246 Reviews liked by Izanagi24682

the legend of zelda phantom hourglass is a direct sequel to wind waker. it basically starts right where wind waker finishes.
and boy, i had so much fun with this game. i do not really understand whats so wrong with the touchpen controls. to me they seemed really smooth once you got the hang of it. the dungeons are short but really fun to play through. they use each dungeon item in really cool ways and the boomerang in this game is easily one of my favorite items in a zelda game ever. (the statisfaction when putting all switches with one shoot is... mhhh 🤌)
the characters introduced in this game grow on you and make the ending so bittersweet and touching.
linebeck is probably one of the greatest written characters in any zelda game. his development and growth is absolutely human and makes you love him while playing the game. ciela, while re using navis "hey" in this game for her, is charming and cute, not even once annoying in my opinion.
this game is one if not the best 2d zelda there is.
i enjoyed it a lot.

How does this game exist? Its been 3 years and it doesn't feel real. It's so good that it feels like its always been there and the concept of being pre-DMC 5 is alien at this point

when leon kennedy was a sigma male 😎


Miyazaki? More like Miyasucky. The debut of the fraud scam-artist of a director. What else it's there to expect, d00d.

No, but seriously, this is so sloppy on so many levels I don't even want to write about it. That said though, I did like the lore behind the Kojima Particles, a technology the NEXTs (this gen's new ACs) uses, and how it's polluting the planet, so basically every single war is permanently poisoning the Earth making it inhabitable. And the soundtrack is amazing, even though the mixing is really shitty, and you have to lower everything else to hear it.

Maybe it'd be a ★★ with multiplayer which supposedly was fun, but good luck with that now.

Runs surprisingly well on RPCS3, if anyone's wondering.

★½ – Unplayable ❌

Just like the wind
I've always been
Drifting high up in the sky that never ends

Für einen Stream mal wieder von Anfang bis Ende gespielt und nach Jahren sogar mal wieder auf die Story geachtet.
Immer noch ein sehr spaßiges, sehr engaging Spiel mit vielen guten Missionen und Momenten. Von den Missionen und der eigentlichen Steuerung das tatsächlich beste Ace Combat, was das grundsätzliche Gameplay angeht allerdings... jaaaa, da gibt es einige lose Enden und dumme Problemchen die sich über die Jahre entwickelten.

Die Story ist relativ schlecht mit viel Kram der lang gesagt, aber nur wenig was wirklich erzählt wird. Zu viel passiert, zu viele Leute reden zu viel, zu viel wird nicht erklärt, während das um was es eigentlich geht so halb untergeht.
Dafür ist der Verlauf des eigentlichen Krieges ganz gut und besonders der Werdegang des Protagonisten wird, auch ohne die Cutscenes zu gucken, extrem überzeugend umgesetzt mit so manch Gänsehautmoment während der Missionen.

Insgesamt mein zweit-liebstes Ace Combat von dem ich mir aber einen Nachfolger wünsche der entweder wieder einen Schritt zurück geht, oder drei Schritte weiter.

"I am the reinforcements."

18 hours later I'm still going at it. Aafter overcoming this game's insane stat/weapon/armor system, I cannot state enough that this game might be the most insane thing I've seen made. I don't know who this was for but it def hits it for me.

i remember being so hyped for this release because it was one of the last vita games that came out and were interesting to me :D

the game is basically pokemon but with final fantasy. you get to play as two new sibling protagonists and get to know chibified final fantasy characters from the series. the story is pretty cool but nothing too big and the new characters seem a little shallow. gameplaywise this is actually quite fun and made me even go platin the game on my vita years ago.
also a little bonus when they added sora in the game as summon. because, sadly, that is everything we get to do with the known final fantasy protagonists, we can summon them in battle and they help us fight. but the interactions between them all are really cool and amazing and make a fan heart melt. x3

in the end this game was alright to me and gave me some countless hours of entertainment. but i understand why this is not being talked about as much.

i should also add that i played the day one edition and not the maxima upgrade. i do have this on steam however so maybe one day i will revisit this ^^

circular fruit of lighter color and sweet-tasting

Solid Game, definetly interesting to see how Street Fighter 3 began

God if this doesn't come westward I swear I'm just going to play through it with the google translate camera pulled up the whole time.