An amazing game with lots of twists and turns an amazing story, some of the best characters in gaming history and a special shoe store.What more would you want.


There's a dedicated meow button.

the embodiment of what a spider-man game should be.

this is the closest thing we will get to mario galaxy 3 yet still an amazing game cappy is a great companion in the game and we need a sequel as soon as possible

my favourite platform fighter to date the character selection is insanely massive and i fucking love spikes!!!

a fun platforming game that blows the new super mario bros games out of the water a fun game to play with family and friends tho i did feel the game to be quite short

The story was great the boss fights were great yet the low level enemies were a bit lackluster yet an overall fun experience

the best game of all time.

an amazing game started to drag at the end .venom snake is a perfect protagonist i recommend it to anyone trying to start the franchise.

A great game will be better with people you know but still fun with randoms.