Great pc port. I loved replaying it again and think its one the best games out there

For all its faults its the most addictive game I have ever played. over 3000 hours and I still play it now and then

Fantastic story and world that is really cool. The graphics are also stunning and a joy to look at. But the games combat is so tedious to me that I just got so sick of it towards the end of the game. I also find the open world empty and boring. Still glad that I played it and I will play the sequel when it comes to pc.

graphically stunning and plays very well for a over 10 year old game. Story is very boring and the game is only 5 hours long.

While I love the gameplay itself. The Performance is unacceptable and I'm also not a fan of the store in this game.

Must play game. Bought it twice on ps4 and pc I adore it

Replaying this for the first time since 2012.
Its aged better than Yakuza 3 but still has a few issues. The Story gets very messy, honestly confusing most of the time with how much plot twists and betrayals there is.
I do love all the 4 playable characters alot, all have different fighting styles and sub stories that are really good.
Overall its a solid game that takes awhile to get into but once it does, it becomes very fun and enjoyable.

Just played through it on pc again and I still love it so much. I used a mod called ''BL2 Fix'' that lets you skip dialogue with the press of a button. Made getting to Ultimate vault hunter mode much faster

Remember playing this and manhunt on my ps2 as a kid. Extremely scary for its time

Fun game to play with friends but a nightmare with toxic randoms

so so so so so good. Easily the best Tango game and my favourite goty so far

Brilliant game. Finished it twice since I got it in 2019.