Solid up until the final two bosses. Such an extremely frustrating difficulty curve that left me abusing the rewind feature. If the game had been like that the whole time it would be one thing, but it truly came out of nowhere. I don’t feel satisfied, just glad I finished it.

Fixed the tedium overflowing in the first one with smarter traversal, purpose to mechanics that lacked previously, and removal of the time filler. People complaining too short, probably forgot how many hours were spent redoing stealth missions because they were spotted once, missions where MJ/Miles play walking sims, or the taskmaster challenges that were more frustrating than fun most of the time.

This isn't even getting to the story, which unlike the first game, is truly a world unto itself. The first was really just a rehash of various brand new day stories with one or two twists. Spider-man 2 really plays with pieces and becomes a breath of fresh air for the franchise in much the same way that Ultimate Spider-man (the comic) was in 2000.

This is barely a knock and truly didn't change the rating, but Venom is as fun to play as here as he was in 2005 (not) and if they really want to make a spinoff featuring him, they need to COMPLETELY fix that.

Might just me but felt like it overstayed a little. Towards the end I felt like the path became more cryptic, but not in a fun way. Still good but o think a second run might be more of a balanced fun.

Every review says weird because this game is so weird when placed against even the vaguest notion of Mario. Honestly would love if something this differently styled could happen again but with the Disney like corporate aesthetic of modern Mario, wonder will be the most different aesthetically we’ll get for a bit.

That all said, controls are STIFF and it’s short as hell.

When you’re cooking, it’s an addictive thrill. When you make a mistake early on those later levels, it’s an uphill slog to victory or the eventual restart. Level to level difficulty is too inconsistent but I also had fun. A tough one to sum up, partially because there are two different games with their own little oddities. All in all, thank god all global conflicts ended so I could give this game a try.

Final final level had my mental shattered

The best one hands down. 4 tries and they made a good game that, while linear, had path choices. I actually cared about the story this time, which was helped by long, but unobtrusive cut scenes. The climbing and gun play were tweaked from the broken mess they had slipped into by 3, and the open driving sections were genuinely fun. Slight gripe on the random mechanics added in the third act for mere moments: looking at you flashlight controller smack. I love that there are crash bandicoot inspired sections (car chase) making that house section in the beginning actually tie in literally, not even mentioning thematically with Elena's quieter thirst for adventure.

Maybe the best of the genre? This time it was even a game!

Enjoyed all of the games part of this to some extent. The whole is better than the sum of the parts type game. Achievements kept me from using the rewind and felt like I really beat them myself.

While the fights themselves are compelling (more often than not), the navigation to get back to fights kills the drive to complete. I only had two more and was just annoyed how long it takes to get back to them in the lost woods. With a few tweaks, this game could go from tedious to a decent gem.

Icarus was already a kid. Did they mean kid Daedalus?