Even worse than the previous one. Story is uninteresting and then it just ends.

Peter is a cop bitch and Hammerhead is a boring villain. This DLC was bad.

Several hours of Peter Parker being the dumbest and most gullible motherfucker on earth. It was okay.

Beautifully made and terribly named little JRPG with a neat visual gimmick. Pretty short (about 12 hours) so it doesn't overstay it's welcome. If you're gonna play it, play through the demo first. It's a prequel chapter and it's free!

Everyone kinda hates this game and even though it has many shortcomings like the story kinda falling apart at the very end and some character stories ending kinda abruptly and unsatisfyingly... I still like it a bunch. Maybe it's nostalgia, who knows.

Better than the first one in just about every way, from writing to combat to level design to story... everything really. Probably the best game Bioware has ever made.

When I first played this in 2007 it blew my socks off. It hasn't aged graciously in a lot of areas, but the detailed setting and the soundtrack really make up for a lot of its shortcomings like terrible level design and clunky combat.

Insane and nonsensical in the exact (great) way a Yakuza game should be. The move to turn-based RPG combat really worked for me and Kiryu is a tough act to follow but Ichiban was an instantly likeable new protagonist. It also had DQ references. Play it!