What can I say. It was my first DQ game and it made me fall in love with the series.
Desperately needs a "definitive" version on modern platforms with the content of the 3DS version and the music/graphics of the PS2 version tho

Strong contender for best 2D Mario game. Feels especially good after how bland the NSMB games were.

I will not be gaslit into thinking this game is good, I simply will not! Played it again after 10 years just to see if time and perspective changed my opinion but no, it still stinks, it's the worst the series has been since FF2.

I still got the platinum trophy though because I have severe brain damage and just wanted to know that I'd seen all this game has to offer so I can say, with authority, that all this game has to offer is garbage.

The music is pretty good though ngl

I love the Metal Gear series but I don't like this game as much as I feel like I'm supposed to. Maybe you had to be there.

There's a trophy for shooting a dude in the dick

Due to an incurable brain disorder I am compelled to play any new DQ game, even if it's only available in Japanese. Well, I actually managed to finish this one despite the language barrier. I don't know what happened in it. I hope they localise it!

Revisiting this was a wake up call. When I first played Persona 5, I thought that it didn't live up to my memory of P4- but going back, P4 didn't live up to those memories either. I still love this game, even with it's flaws, but Persona 5 is just better in basically every way.

Imagine watching every sci-fi film ever made at the same time, and somebody keeps randomly rewinding and fast-forwarding them. Also, you are trapped in a hall of mirrors.
Play it.

One of the most frustrating platformers I've ever played. Every level has some bad/annoying gimmick, and were difficult in a way that just felt mean-spirited. My wife is a lifelong Crash fan and now hates him because of this game.

Played through this on the toilet in about 10 minutes. Pretty good time

Some giga-brained super genius at Nintendo said "what if we gave Metroid Prime the Ocarina of Time 3D treatment" and in that moment, the perfect remaster of a perfect game was born. Immaculate.

It's the best Kirby game. It's crazy that they got the 3D gameplay to feel so good and so natural on their first attempt. If they made a sequel that was just more of this, I would be there day one. Also, "Mouthful Mode" is superb.

Insane and nonsensical in the exact (great) way a Yakuza game should be. The move to turn-based RPG combat really worked for me and Kiryu is a tough act to follow but Ichiban was an instantly likeable new protagonist. It also had DQ references. Play it!