Had problems with the checkpoint system in places which made the game quite frustrating.
Hoards of enemies in tight spaces made the game feel very claustrophobic at times.

baby's (and my) first rpg. I bought this game on release day and I think I learned my lesson about doing that for games I'm not already familiar with. I took an extended break from the game and had to really push myself to keep playing it. I'm glad I stuck with it though, very charming game. If not a little on the easy side, especially with all the additions the remake made, the only time I felt really challenged was the final boss. I didn't go on to do the rematches though. The soundtrack goes hard - shout out "And My Name's Booster".

Very forgettable entry and my least favorite modern Mario Kart. It just doesn't feel all that good to play, its slow and floaty compared to previous entries. Nitro tracks aren't all that, but the retros do shine here with some of the best from DS and Wii returning.

I revisited this beloved childhood game expecting it to not hold up at all today - having recently played through all of its predecessors which that was certainly true for.
Mario Kart DS is a complete masterpiece, everything about the game is near perfect. It still looks phenomenal on original hardware, the 3d character models are great, along with the bosses from the missions. The new tracks are mostly superb, with the obvious standouts that have returned in countless subsequent titles. The retro tracks do let the game down somewhat and I believe this to be its worst quality. A mix between technical limitations, and poor choice with the decision to include a gba and snes track in each retro cup. I revisited the mission mode and went on to get 3 stars on each mission, so much fun. I cannot believe they haven't brought back mission mode in any future games. If it weren't for most of the retros being sub-par this game would easily score a 10/10 from me.

Where Mario Kart truly starts to feel like Mario Kart. This game holds up incredibly well - the graphics are great, with some tracks looking better than some of the new ones in wii despite being 7 years older. The unique items are mostly fun, didn't get to experiment with character combinations too much as it didn't feel like it really made a huge difference. Overall really enjoyed this entry, maybe I'll replay it when I have some more time to enjoy its intricacies

Suprised this gets as much hate as it does, I preferred this to the previous two entries by a landslide.

Ended up using the special version on nso with all tracks unlocked because I did not fancy grinding out the wins to unlock special cup legit.
controls very poorly and the mechanics, particularly interactions with enemies, are very frustrating

I went into this game expecting to find it quite frustrating with it being old. I had played up to the first dungeon before on 3ds and was not captivated enough to keep going. I went in with a more open mind this time and boy was I stunned. I completely understand the people that say this is the best game ever made, I think it is vastly ahead of its time and playing through some other n64 games recently has reinforced that very strongly, the game is outstandingly strong across the board and holds up really quite well, even the original n64 version! Sure I got stuck on a few bits but I think I would have got by without help if I had bashed my head against the wall a bit longer, I think these occurrences are to be expected with games like these where a completely new concept is being born. This game is utterly fantastic, I think the rest of the Zeldas will struggle to live up to its standards as I play through them, though I hear Majora's Mask is pretty damn special so I look forward to that dearly.

Oh and I did 100% but cheated fishing, fuck fishing.

This game is really great, a massive step forward for 2d Mario. I enjoyed most of the wonder seeds, some of them did feel a bit uninspired compared to the brilliance of the rest. I found my love for the game dwindle towards the end, but I wouldn't say it overstayed its welcome, reaching 100% and clearing the final level was just hard enough. Well deserving of a sequel.

This game was cute, I was stuck on the last cat for what felt like ages.
Tried to speedrun it but made my wrist hurt.

This game is jank as fuck, the level design is atrocious and I completely understand all the complaints I've seen about the game. I unapologetically ended up using a guide for almost all of the levels, although this did make a lot of the traditionally frustrating levels much easier - I finished the pachinko level first try. As much as I felt like I didn't like the game, I couldn't stop playing it and it was basically all I did for 5 days whilst I got all 120 shines. Wouldn't want to revisit.

I was bored as hell playing this

Nobody told me this game was a roguelike, I hate roguelikes!
Concept seems quite interesting and I enjoyed the little surprises but I didn't feel like learning all of the placenames, I understand that isn't necessary but I can't approach the game any other way.

God this game controls badly, most of the tracks werent new to me, having been remade in newer games. One of the few tracks I wanted to play the game to see, toads turnpike, I found basically unplayable with the moving cars and how hard it was to make precise movements to your own car.

Only played the beginner lobby for now so that I've seen it for the upcoming AGDQ. Loved most of the gimmicks, my favourite was the honey one