Nintendo, what. The. Hell were you thinking with the baby Mario bros designs!? The ugliest things I’ve seen in a Mario game.

As a kid I loved this game, and every time I went to the library I was always excited to get it. Too bad reality exists because this game is boring.

Generally a really fun time. Man I should start playing Mario Party games that other people say are good.

To be honest, I thought Mario Kart 7 was better.

Seriously this is the game I keep going back and forth on. I could either rank it high or low depending on how the races go.

Honestly the most overrated game in the Mario Kart series.

Honestly the most excited I’ve been when getting a video game for the holiday, and honestly this is my favorite Mario Kart in the series.

Merry Christmas everyone!!

Ok even if the item balancing and rubber banding is terrible, the game having an awful battle mode, and pretty much should’ve just been named “Mario Motorcycles” because the bikes are unfairly better than the karts. I still had a really fun time with this game.

Try to keep your position in first place challenge

Wow! This was a lot more fun on replay!

Kinda losing the love for this game and the original.

This Mario Kart is hard as balls, and that’s why I love it.

Could’ve been better if you just played as Sonic.

Sorry Sonic Adventure 2, but Sonic Adventure 1 was better.