If you haven't played this game what are you doing with your life? This is single handily the best JRPG ever made, there are no objections. I know what you're thinking, "but the backtracking sucks!" yeah well you unironically think Sticker Star was a better game so your opinion is already invalid.
Joking aside this is literally the peak of this series, I'm sorry but it only got worse after here. Not so much with Super Paper Mario but after that one. I wish things could go back to the way they were before, but this series has changed so drastically that it's only a pipe dream.

Clearly the weakest of the Bayonetta's. We waited years for this and it really was really disappointing. Everything from the story, the characters, the writing, the music, and the gameplay all had problems in some aspect. But let's take this one step at a time.

The core combat is still Bayonetta but the demon slave mechanic being the main focus this time around undermines how much damage you do to your enemy, It's like they want you to keep using it to rack in the big damage numbers. Other than that, I'd say the combat is pretty solid and what you'd expect of a Bayonetta game. They have this new upgrade system for each weapon and demon you get which is pretty nice as it opens up the room for more attacks but it's not fully there yet. I think the older games handling weapons was much cleaner and simpler than having to just go to a menu and buy everything. It's not bad though. Viola's combat style... really didn't do it for me. There are 2 problems with it, the first being that this doesn't feel like I'm playing Bayonetta anymore, I get that was the intention but she's just not fun to control with how unforgiving her playstyle is. second is that she doesn't get anything new after you max her out, she has no access to Bayos weapons and is essentially the hard mode of this game. If you want to suffer and hate yourself, play as Viola.

So Bayo3's big selling point is the overly ambitious open world-like design where the places are bigger which means more exploration right? Haha, WRONG, it's still roughly the same with mini-challenges sprinkled throughout. I think it's even worse here as the platforming challenges are some of the most annoying to deal with given how Bayo and Viola control. I think also not being able to skip the unskippable cutscene that plays when you start a platforming challenge really got on my nerves when I kept failing the same one. There are 3 collectibles to get in the form of tears and usually, it's held by an animal. Cat runs fast so you need to chase it down, Bird flies away so you have to chase it down, and Frog stays in one place but you need to find it. These were ok, I didn't really struggle too much since they're forgiving and let you retry catching them since their respawn resets.

It's subjective, but this ost is missing that Bayo flair that we've all come to love, it's mostly some marvel movie grand ost for most of its runtime, and the only song I'd consider actually worth listening to is the battle theme. It almost has the same energy and even with the final boss, it was the only track I liked.

It's bad. Like.. really bad. Long story short, it takes itself way too seriously to the point where it doesn't know when to end. Was not enjoyable at all and I'm really not looking forward to the future of the series if the ending was anything to go by.

I didn't know what to expect, we wait more than 4 years for this game and this is what they got to show for it. It just leaves a sour taste in my mouth.

After playing 8 and now 9 mega man games in a span of a few months I think this is a really big step down from the previous one. Not talking mega man and bass that one sucks, I'm talking mega man 8 and the improvements and enhancements that made that game so great. While I understand this was supposed to be reverting back to the NES classic mega man era I don't think it was a good decision to cut back on the quality of life improvements mega man 8 introduced. Things like switching robot masters' abilities with the L and R triggers, having your robot energy reset after each death, and more importantly of all, the abilities you can earn and keep to make the game more fun. There is a small semblance of it but it's only really like 1 maybe 2 abilities that he can keep throughout the entire journey. I thought because you bought the hairstyle ability meant you can play through the whole game without his helmet but no if you die once it resets it entirely.

This game isn't all bad, the music was certainly the highlight for me, but good music can only save what was just an ok experience for me. The weapons the robot masters use this time are all useful but like most mega man games it starts off fine and then nose dives for me. Not a bad game but not one I'll revisit.

This game is so polished I can practically smell it.
There's like no cracks in here, everything works as it should, you don't see that very often in remakes. It's pretty faithful to the original source material and in my eyes, I find it more fun to play with how it actually tracks your completion. Generally, a solid game overall definitely pick it up, and it's 30 DOLLARS.
You have no excuse.

♫ Standing here, I realize, you were just like me, playing metal gear rising. ♫
Play this, it's a short but fantastic time. I think literally everything about this game works because there are no downsides and even if I were to point something out it'd be purely nitpicking. This game is a pure example that a game doesn't need to be long in order to be worth your time. Gotta be up there with my favorites.

Celeste is addicting. These three words come to mind when I think of this game. The amount of time and effort that was put into making the game feel good to play is amazing. The controls are super tight and responsive, never was there a time where I blamed the control's fault for every death felt like it was my lack of understanding of the level. This game is hard, very hard, you'll need a lot of patience to even withstand most of it, but the game never once makes fun of you for constantly failing. It encourages you to do better and for the ones who are constantly struggling the accessibility, the option is there. I only 100% games that I feel deserve to be experienced front and back, and Celeste was one of those titles for me.

I'll say it now, it wasn't bad. The free updates we had to wait months for as well as the $25 DLC are what made this one of the most mid-Animal Crossings I've played. From the barebones launch, this game was fun for like a month and then I completely lost interest. I enjoyed building my island but New Leaf did everything else better and lasted you longer. I'd recommend you just play that one.

Holy hell what a game. Never have I played something that made me want to play it again right after beating it 3 times in a row. The amount of fun I had just getting the platinum for this one is indescribable. I'm gonna say it right now horror games are my weak point, I'm a big coward when it comes to the huge stuff. But this game somehow got me to keep playing but still keep me scared on a level where I wanted to keep going and see the end for myself. The two protagonists here Leon and Claire have to be the best duo I've seen in a game like this. Each character has their own quirks and in the case of this game, both have their own stories they go through while still going through the same set pieces and locations.

Even then this is a fantastic and perfect remake of the original in every way. It still manages to keep the tension and fear the 2nd game instilled onto the player way back when. The modern control scheme helps with those do or die sections this game throws at you and everything from like the sound quality and the puzzles and the atmosphere it's all Leon S tier

If you're not a horror fan like I am, check this one out, you might be surprised with what you experience.

Well, I can finally say that I have a Tales of game under my belt, and to top it off, it was a really good one. Before I sing my praises of this game I won't lie, I originally started this game a few years back but kinda put it down during the beginning because I was busy with other things at the time. I didn't mean to but I had no other choice and for a while, I didn't really have the drive to go back to finish what I started. Fast forward to this year and now that I'm on summer break after a difficult year of university, I have more time on my hands to do the things I couldn't do before. Then one day I remembered this game, and from there I booted up my old save file to continue where I should have years back. All I can say is, that I regret not doing this earlier.

This was a great time I love these characters a lot, the game did a phenomenal job of breaking down each and everyone's personalities. I honestly just love seeing the main cast together cause everyone bounces off each other super well. This is an actual group who's gone through highs and lows and seeing how each overcome it was just pleasant to experience. Yuri Lowell might just be the best protagonist I've ever seen in recent times, he's just that good. You never know what his next move is gonna be and the fact that this game has many surprises for you to see the more you progress, it's all the more worth it to continue. It's because of how unpredictable he is that made the story more interesting and engaging to me because I had no idea what was gonna happen next.
The combat isn't like a standard JRPG but rather it's more like a 2D fighting game, I think that's why this stood out to me the most and kept me playing as much as I did. The amount of versatility and variety you have at your disposal is amazing, just because Yuri may be the main protagonist doesn't mean you always have to play as him. (Though I did anyways because like I said Yuri rocks)

So yeah, as my first Tales of game it left quite the impression on me, and maybe this will make me branch out into trying the ones before this. Only time will tell, but I can say without hesitation that it was worth it to come back to this game.

A lot of this games issues could be resolved if there was a in-game map and if you could switch the kongs through the d-pad. Although I don't think it can save the amount of unfun minigames this game constantly throws at you. At its best it could be a fun romp to collect all the bananas, at its worse its backtracking heavy game with annoying minigames that break its pacing. I went ahead and 100% it just to say I did, and well, it was certainly a Donkey Kong 64

I don't always 100% open-world games, but when I do they have to keep my attention for all of it. Spider-man PS4 is one of those games that compelled me to go for that 100% completion rate. Insomniac has proven they can make a fun and engaging superhero game, and this is it, this is peak. From the many suits you can unlock for Peter that reference tons of Spider-man media, to the fantastic story and character interactions this game is filled with. Everything that is displayed here is full of life and passion for our web-slinging hero. It's a love letter to everyone who grew up with or loves Spider-man itself. And yeah, here it is, I'm gonna say the iconic line because it's never been more true than before.
This game makes you feel like Spider-man.

This is one of those rare games where everything I feel works well together, not a single thing feels out of place. For a game about catching bugsnax they sure do make the challenge of catching them all a puzzle to figure out on its own. Something that kept me enticed the entire time I played. The bugsnax in this game have very charming and clever designs all down to how the menu is structured like a scrapbook. Overall an experience you should check out.

It's tail time. Gex Enter the Gecko is what I'd like to call a harmless 3D mascot platformer, there's not really anything about it that makes it different from the rest. If you count Gex saying dated references to pop culture and media then I guess he's unique in that aspect. I mean it follows the same structure as Mario 64 which pretty much paved the way for these mascot platformers. It's not a bad game, nor is it a really good one, it's just kinda mid.

I recently went back to this game after having played it as a kid and yeah, it still has a certain charm to it. This was also way back when Spongebob was the new kid in the town hence the reason he's not even on the front cover which is Tommy instead. Just a fun bit of trivia, cause otherwise this game is like a crash team racing clone without the speed boosts you get from jumping high distances.