It's official, the doctor came back with the results and I'm clinically insane. I actually went and platinum'd this dumpster fire of a game, why? don't ask. After experiencing everything there is to see about this game, do I really believe that it deserves the hate it gets?

Yes. Don't play this. Skip it.

If you haven't played this game what are you doing with your life? This is single handily the best JRPG ever made, there are no objections. I know what you're thinking, "but the backtracking sucks!" yeah well you unironically think Sticker Star was a better game so your opinion is already invalid.
Joking aside this is literally the peak of this series, I'm sorry but it only got worse after here. Not so much with Super Paper Mario but after that one. I wish things could go back to the way they were before, but this series has changed so drastically that it's only a pipe dream.

The virgin Sonic Omens
The chad Sonic Triple Trouble 16-Bit
This game plays so good you would think this was an officially made Sonic game after Mania

Even though I'm not its target demographic I enjoyed my time here. It has very basic mechanics you'd expect in a Lego game but I'd say it goes above and beyond with how much there is to do. So many collectibles, and once you've beaten the game it opens you up to more new discoveries by exploring and unlocking the places you weren't able to go.

This one is truly special and I think this stands out from all the games in the Lego franchise. Definitely pick this up if you want to have dumb fun.

This game isn't out yet but it shows high promise and after playing the 2022 sage demo, I'm very excited about this.
This is the Parappa/Lammy successor we didn't know we needed till someone started making it.

I've played this for quite a bit now, and I have to say this is definitely the best in the series. I just wish that half of the time I wasn't getting a connection error because the core game is the most fun it's ever been. Matches (sometimes) are quick and you're just in and out, they trimmed most of the waiting time Splatoon 2 had and I'm very happy with the end result. The problem lies in the servers, of course, in true Nintendo fashion they don't know how to manage internet servers with their shitty online service. This leads to many DCs and connection unstable messages. If they somehow manage to patch this and make the internet better then we have a solid 5 stars on our hands, but I can't in good conscience give it that in its current state.

This game is so polished I can practically smell it.
There's like no cracks in here, everything works as it should, you don't see that very often in remakes. It's pretty faithful to the original source material and in my eyes, I find it more fun to play with how it actually tracks your completion. Generally, a solid game overall definitely pick it up, and it's 30 DOLLARS.
You have no excuse.

♫ Standing here, I realize, you were just like me, playing metal gear rising. ♫
Play this, it's a short but fantastic time. I think literally everything about this game works because there are no downsides and even if I were to point something out it'd be purely nitpicking. This game is a pure example that a game doesn't need to be long in order to be worth your time. Gotta be up there with my favorites.

This game really isn't as bad as people make it out to be, there's some questionable level design here and there, but I still had some semblance of fun with it.
Especially once you master the parkour system then I feel that's where the path of opportunities opens up.

Clearly the weakest of the Bayonetta's. We waited years for this and it really was really disappointing. Everything from the story, the characters, the writing, the music, and the gameplay all had problems in some aspect. But let's take this one step at a time.

The core combat is still Bayonetta but the demon slave mechanic being the main focus this time around undermines how much damage you do to your enemy, It's like they want you to keep using it to rack in the big damage numbers. Other than that, I'd say the combat is pretty solid and what you'd expect of a Bayonetta game. They have this new upgrade system for each weapon and demon you get which is pretty nice as it opens up the room for more attacks but it's not fully there yet. I think the older games handling weapons was much cleaner and simpler than having to just go to a menu and buy everything. It's not bad though. Viola's combat style... really didn't do it for me. There are 2 problems with it, the first being that this doesn't feel like I'm playing Bayonetta anymore, I get that was the intention but she's just not fun to control with how unforgiving her playstyle is. second is that she doesn't get anything new after you max her out, she has no access to Bayos weapons and is essentially the hard mode of this game. If you want to suffer and hate yourself, play as Viola.

So Bayo3's big selling point is the overly ambitious open world-like design where the places are bigger which means more exploration right? Haha, WRONG, it's still roughly the same with mini-challenges sprinkled throughout. I think it's even worse here as the platforming challenges are some of the most annoying to deal with given how Bayo and Viola control. I think also not being able to skip the unskippable cutscene that plays when you start a platforming challenge really got on my nerves when I kept failing the same one. There are 3 collectibles to get in the form of tears and usually, it's held by an animal. Cat runs fast so you need to chase it down, Bird flies away so you have to chase it down, and Frog stays in one place but you need to find it. These were ok, I didn't really struggle too much since they're forgiving and let you retry catching them since their respawn resets.

It's subjective, but this ost is missing that Bayo flair that we've all come to love, it's mostly some marvel movie grand ost for most of its runtime, and the only song I'd consider actually worth listening to is the battle theme. It almost has the same energy and even with the final boss, it was the only track I liked.

It's bad. Like.. really bad. Long story short, it takes itself way too seriously to the point where it doesn't know when to end. Was not enjoyable at all and I'm really not looking forward to the future of the series if the ending was anything to go by.

I didn't know what to expect, we wait more than 4 years for this game and this is what they got to show for it. It just leaves a sour taste in my mouth.

For this being my very first Shantae game it really didn't leave that good of an impression on me. Especially the very slow beginning and middle. I'd say around when you get Risky's Boots is when the game starts to pick up but by then the game is already over. The backtracking here is horrendous, you can use an item to teleport you back to the pirate ship but if you're in a dungeon you have to walk all the way back to the entrance and it just makes getting 100% tedious. This is apparently the "highly regarded" game in the series by fans and if this was the best one that doesn't excite me to check out any other games. This game's highs are the dungeons obviously, they're fun to figure out and explore despite being way too simple, and I wish you'd earn a health upgrade at the end of each boss. It feels empty without it.

Shantae throughout the game can upgrade her hair and hair-whipping speed but never her defense which I always found strange, there are upgrades for all this but her general defense is always the same. That got really annoying to deal with going through the later half and enemies did 2x damage. Don't understand why she didn't get slightly stronger after beating each boss since that would solve the issue. With how easy it is to buy temporary stat increases and this spike protection ball, bosses stood 0 chance against her. The story was nothing either, Risky got her stuff stolen, Shantae goes and gets it, and uses it to beat bosses, and the formula is set until big bad baddy at the end so you beat them, and then the game ends. This game does the character interactions and moments type of storytelling and I'll be honest I don't care a lot about Shantae's world or characters to really say I was invested in learning more. Shantae as a character is pretty standard.

The gameplay consists of you going to a new area, solving the areas puzzle, doing a minigame/gimmick section to unlock the way to the dungeon, doing the dungeon, and then fighting the boss, repeating for other islands. I thought this setup wasn't bad until we get to the minigame/gimmick section because the two that stood out the most ended up being the most frustrating. The Spiderweb Island has this funny chase sequence where you have to help protect this zombie girl and run towards her house, only problem is if you get hit once it resets you back to the beginning of the room. I didn't mind this at first cause it was a little funny but then it kept going and going, and yeah it started to drag out. Then the Sand Island has this stealth section where if you get caught once you get pushed back to the very beginning and it was there I was like "ok this is really bad" forced stealth sections in adventure games are the worst thing known to mankind, to only way to do these right is if they're brief and not long. That was not the case here. By then I had reached the halfway point and I was starting to get exhausted.

One positive I can say the music was actually super good, there are a lot of beats I can hum and remember off the top of my head. Definitely will download a couple of these tracks cause they were pretty fire all things considered. I think when it came to the sound department this game nails it.

I gave the game a chance, but it really wasn't as good as I'd hoped it'd be. Would I recommend it? No, I think other games have done this better and Shantae alone isn't really something I'd go out of the way to check out given the really poor design choices here. There are big bitties all over the game but that wasn't enough to save its pretty mediocre gameplay and experience.

I think this is a pretty valid score to give this game. While I did have a ton of fun playing it, there is definitely some jank in here not in terms of just going through the overworld but I think in the boss fights as well. Some aren't as fun to fight as others and if there was just a little bit more to it, I think we could've seen a 4 1/2 star game right here, but as it stands I think with everything this game does it's a pleasant little experience that I would more than recommend to anyone who's in search of a fun game to play. Also DK West DK West he's our man oh he's the best.


I struggle to think of any flaws with Pizza Tower, I legit think this is a perfect 5/5. The amount of control you have is nothing like I've played before and Peppino's movements feel both snappy and precise. Once you continuously replay the level and learn the ins and outs of it, finding the best route possible so that the 2nd lap of pizza time is much more easier on you is the best feeling. This is a game I cannot recommend enough, please support the dev for all the hard work and time it took to release this game. Alright guys I know the year just started but... I think this is my goty. Easily. Zelda you're gonna have to do pretty damn well to beat this one out. Just saying.

Just like most people here I started to get into Wario Land 4 because of Pizza Tower and how much I believed that game was a masterpiece, so the question is, did WL4 live up to the hype everyone praised it so? ...Yeah, I'd say it did.
This was a pretty good game honestly, I did enjoy this one more than Shake It since the pacing was just overall better and I think visually this game is so stunning for GBA. However after playing this i've realized i'm not a big Wario Land guy cause while I did have fun at points it kinda felt a little lacking to me at times. I think 4/5 is a perfectly valid score to give this game cause while it didn't keep up the traction all the way through it did manage to keep me engaged for all of it. If you played this, I recommend playing Pizza Tower, and if you played Pizza Tower, it wouldn't hurt to try this.