85 Reviews liked by Jalkie

yabacaniz oyuna soham sakagucci gameplay 1 saatten sonra bayiyo karakterler cok sıradan olaylar çok sıradan dünyanın en sıradan oyunu mq bazı musukler gusel grafikler wii ye gore iyi valla sakagucci olmamıs yapamıyo saka la hadi la acıdım la 3 verim hadi la yazık la

Kurban bayramı için 16 büyükbaş hayvanat kestiğimiz bir yapım olmuş süper olmuş inanılmaz olmuş çok da iyi olmuş.



This game probably took about 10 years from my lifespan but i still loved it, the infamous difficulty of the game is actually really satisfying and well balanced especially in the first half, but after chapter 18 or so is.... painful, to say the least. Still, after strategizing for hours, constantly saving and loading states and rage moments,sense of accomplishment i get from beating a stage from a 24 year old SRPG is remarkable
Probably my favorite aspect about FE5 is the overall tone of it. While FE4 had it's fair share of dark moments, this game is straight up depressing, you actually feel how bleak and despair the situation is in every chapter. By the beggining of the game, you feel completely lost,and confused by the mechanics and the difficulty, just like Leif, feeling lost on this brutal war. You are not a group of experienced and heroic knights, leading for victory, you are mostly common folk going against a full fledged empire, and you're obviously going to get obliterated against such force. But as you learn the mechanics of the game and gain strong units, a hope slowly rises, and you go from "how the hell am i going to survive from this?" to "Hey, i can actually do this!" and you start to command larger armies on bigger maps. And then, you are facing with the strongest forces of the Empire. It's actually even harder then before, but you have so much more experince with the game,you don't feel as powerless as before. And after you've gone through so much, beating the game and seeing those credits rolled is one of the most rewarding feelings a game can give to you
This, is phenomenal storytelling, and you can only have this in a videogame, that unforgiving difficulty is one of the finest examples of storytelling through gameplay. That's why remake of this game is probably going to suck, since they'll inevatiabely tone down the difficulty.
Gameplay has a surprising amount of resource management, and i love this, you can capture enemies to steal their equipment,but it's significantly harder and risky to do,since you'll deal much less and take much more damage. But since you don't get much chance to buy and repair weapons, you really have to pay attention the resources you have, and use them in the most efficient way to overcome challenges you face
Fatigue is also a new mechanic, which if you use a unit too much, you won't be able to use them in the next chapter, which makes powerful units more tricky to use, adding another depth to the gameplay. You'll only want to use them when necessary, so you actually have a reason to use less powerful units, i gotta say this was hard to get used to, especially after i obliterated every enemy with Ayra and Larcei in FE4, but it didn't took long to for me to actually like it
Also fantastic map designs suplements the complex gameplay mechanics brilliantly. FE5 abandons the massive maps of FE4 in favor of smaller, but focused maps with multiple objectives, and while some enemy placements made me want to torn apart my bone structure from my skin(those goddamn ballistas will give me nightmares) for the most part i really apprecieted the variety in both the map design and objectives. You have defense, escape, fog of war(which isn't THAT bad in my opinion) and of course normal seize missions. Also each map has it's own unique objective, which makes every single map even more memorable. Varied objectives makes each chapter fresh, which is something i've never seen in an SRPG
Weakest part of this game imo are the characters, in FE4, you have a lot of optional conversations between characters, and those conversations actually give a decent personality and development to each unit, in FE5, most of the cast has 5 lines of dialogues at most, and all of them are in the chapter you recruit them.
But i really like how the game tells what happened to them after the credits rolled
Though this doesn't mean that this game has no good character writing, far from it, Leif is one the best written main character's i've ever seen in a game. Like i mentioned before, you start of the game as powerless, and with zero knowledge on the complex mechanics of the game. Just like Leif, who's a 15 year old who has never commanded an army. This is obviously no coincidence, Leif represents the player, but unlike most games that have a main character which is"representing the player"Leif isn't a silent protagonist, his development from an inexperienced kid to a mature war commander is very natural, and paralells brilliantly with the development of you as a player, as you understand how the game works and start using the tools you have in the most optimal ways. Leif alone is enough to say this game has fantastic character writing
I'm not sure if Fire Emblem 5 is better than 4,but still, this is one the finest SRPG's ever made. It's frusturating for sure, but it's so well designed in nearly every aspect, it's impossible for me to hate it. I'd highly recommend it if you liked FE4, and simply want to see more from this world.

we love.............Cosmic Smash.....

kör oldum amqq ama cok basarılı abivvvğ

i love it when the funny little animals go "bebebebebebebebebe"

sonunda eklendi laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan C4 ROBOT

Honestly i played it cuz of jill's wetsuit
[and it was beautfiul (っ^◡^)っ, bu the game doesnt (っ ¬_¬)っ].

it's not an important game in story wise...(There was even no umbrella in the game although it goes after the events of code veronica.) (story also sucks but that’s the another topic)

I felt bioshock vibe where we play in the ship. but snow missions was so unnecessary
core mechannics of the gameplay is downgraded version of RE6.
final boss is also sucks.

In sum up, RE Revelations is neither a bad game and worth playing it imo. And It's so forgettable game for the franchise.

I am finally able to get a cute gf but it would be better if there is a goth big titty milf or normal gf

marvel işbirliğini nasıl yaptıklarını hala anlayamadığım efsane oyun

mevlüt dinç aka türk shinji mikami

This is one the most "sikko and intersting" game i've ever played.
Idk how many people remember Hyun's dojo animations or oxob stick man animations, it feels like controlling those animation characters and it'd be epic if the game was good :D
also every character has its own story and it has an deep lore maybe i'd starting to cover it...

also there is no option, no control tutorial even no exit button in the game, idk why i wrote this review.

edit: change my mind this game is interestingly epic .

keşke yurt odamda oda arkadaşımla bağırış çağırış kavga eden kantinci uykumdan uyandırdığı için benden özür dilemek yerine bu oyundaki roulette hareketlerinden birini yapıp uykuya tekrar soksaydı