I honestly dont even know how to rank or rate this. The original Overwatch I put hours and hours into and this? Its the same game but I just cant deal with it. I dont know if its just me being completely burnt out from the game, I dont know if its the balancing and changes that have thrown me out of whack or if its the shift from loot boxes to whatever the battle pass expense hell this is.

All I know is I used to enjoy playing Overwatch. Now I dont. I'll always have fond memories of the characters, the various toys I own of them and the fun fanart, the shipping and the sense of fun that originally sprung forth but it just feels like the window to actually make people give a toss about this as a franchise came and went. So meh.

As an artistic display, this game is top notch thanks to a realm of psychedelic striking visuals full of colour, life and personality and an entire library of musicality to boot. Its an incredible sight to behold and a treat to listen to throughout.

However the game unfortunately falls apart when it comes to marrying all this artistry with both its story and its gameplay. As a platformer it doesn't really work, its all too basic and despite the plot repeatedly emphasising danger, there's never any penalty for failures and there's never any actual danger bar the occasional small pit.

As a music game it also falters too. Plot wise the game emphases finding your own path but when the game bullet points every main area with Simon-Says pattern repetition, it really damages its own narrative in the process. Sure there's moments to really make the game your own when it comes to costume design and backstory choices....

Its a blessing that the game is so strong in its audio and visual department that you'll happily rock out through its short runtime but overall I still wish they would have really played into the themes of individuality a little harder to make things truly work.

I dont think me and baseball get along. I cant understand the timing, the controls or the general flow of play... ever. It never feels like I have any core control over where the ball goes at any point and like im playing against a slot machine vs something resembling a sports game.

I want to be nice but ultimately it kinda succeeds in its own point a little too well to the point where the game just isnt enjoyable to play in any way shape or form thanks to its subject matter and its complete nihilistic view on everything. Being scaped together in generic RPG-Maker tilesetting isnt helpful either.

Im honestly not sure why I played this as much as I did do. Its just very weird and full of very offbeat humour thanks to a lot of plain flat-out obscure mechanics and scenarios. Very odd.

Very pretty in a 90s animated adventure game sort of way and charming in places but overall its just too basic, easy and short. Im not asking every game to be discworld but I would expect something more than basic baby puzzling.

Also the controls for the Xbox One version of the game suck. They feel buggy, slidey and generally are a pain to use.


On the surface it's a fun and intelligent little puzzle platformer full of neat tricks and clever level design that doesn't wear out it's welcome and you'll generally be happy and satisfied by the twist conclusion.

Dig deeper and it's a frustrating mess with reams of plot dump, excessive meta commentary, stupid secrets and hidden meanings that turns a fun game into an ego fuelled nightmare.

My advice? Play the game, skip the story and just play for fun.

This game is very much the equivalent of one of those Netflix movies and shows that pop up, nobody pays attention to it other than to go 'Oh that looks interesting' and thats it. At its core its a very pretty cyberpunk dystopian RPG and everything looks incredibly detail filled and flat out GORGEOUS.

However the game also just isnt all that fun to play either. The core gameplay just is rather dull and while the cyberpunk areas look pretty, theres also so much of the same as you plough through similar looking walkway after street after district. Its a wave of neon and grey that just all blends into each other as you go from dull battle to dull battle.

But just to spice things up, the game loves throwing high levelled enemies near you if you so much as step slightly away from where the game thinks you should be going. You can be just mowing down enemies with ease, enter a sidedoor and get blasted to pieces by a enemy you've barely had a chance to register. Its frustrating and tedious and this is a repeated issue thanks to gun enemies often taking aim at you from outside your own field of view.

Its just not a game I really want to continue with anymore as neither the rather plain story nor the dull featureless combat is making me want to go on. Its all graphics and little else of note.

A very middling ho-hum brawler with not a lot going for it. None of the characters have much personality and the limited movesets just feel clumsy and lifeless.

If you have to slog through this for one reason or another, do make sure you stick to the original Japanese version. The overseas release is rather embarrassing in how mangled the translation is from what's supposed to be a brawler based off Romance of the Three Kingdoms. Sure you'll understand little but at least the character names will stick.

Cute, funny but far too one-note. It sometimes feels like a joke that went on far too long.

Firstly I want to say that ive seen a lot of reviews calling this a Zelda-like game. Its really not. Aside from a couple of context situations, most of this game is really more like a Diablo-dungeon crawler, albiet exchanging the neverending loot drop system for one where you mix and match abilities across various different in-game forms.

For the most part it works quite well, blasting through dungeons is mostly fun and the overall art and gameplay can get pretty addictive. The best parts of the game is when you can get really creative with the combinations and cause even the most unassuming of forms to turn into a whirlwind of destruction.

However good lord the game does like to get in the way of that through its unlock mechanics. In order to unlock more forms and level up forms (to gain more skills), you need to do various task lists for each form. These mostly boil down to beating enemies in particular fashion, using specific attacks or breaking enemy defences. This is all great in theory but in reality it just leads to grinding with select characters to get to where you really want.

Once you've really broken through that grind, there's a lot to love here but that grind is notable and it does force you to play characters/use abilities you may not like for good chunks of time. Its not something that ruins the game thanks to just how frantic and silly the game can be (and it can get very silly through its missions, oddball characters and weird mechanics) but it does stop the game from really being more than it could be.

This game feels nostalgic for me and not in a totally good way. It very much feels like one of those dime a dozen ps2 licensed games you'd find slung all over the place years ago. Sure theres some fun to be had here but theres so many caveats and bullet points to the point where you dont really want to bother.

Sure theres a wide open map but it feels so lifeless and empty. Sure theres a wide range of playable characters but most are really interchangable outside of the odd exploration moment. Sure theres combat but its so stiff and clumsy, where you'll spend most of your time just mashing the basic attack as the strong attacks take too long and just invite damage.

Add in the usual canned dialogue whenever you so much as do a hop and add in some grindy cash/map mechanics and you've got a game that had all the potential but none of the results. A shame.

Sidenote: The pizza delivery minigame has 'THAT' music that makes me go 'PIZZA. PASTA. PUT IT IN A BOX. DELIVER IT TO MY HOUSE AND PUT IT ON MY...' before I remember im playing a kids game and I should stop being so horrible.


On a gameplay level this probably doesnt deserve as low of a score as this but on a moral level it sure does. Theres such a painfully low amount of content here to the point where its insulting and stacking DLC stages on top makes the whole experience feel like a painful money grab.

Gameplay yeah its fine but its also nothing all that special and just makes you want to go play Volfied or one of the other Qix varients more than this.

Right now I dont think they should have bothered releasing a standard Xbox One version if its going to be this slow, laggy and poorly optimised. Hopefully i'll be able to try this again at a later time as it looks quite relaxing but otherwise its a sad skip and non-ranking for me.