PS Now. I don't really have much to say about this game except the combat and QTE's are awkward and PS Now streaming wasn't great when I played it.

Put this on hold the deeper I got into Path of Exile but it's good on its own. Will finish it eventually, way too addicting.

Xbox game pass.

Rather quirky game. The big difference between this and other stealth titles is the use of checkpoints in hiding places and the inability to kill enemies, so far at least. You can only throw items at them to knock them out for a period of time I think about ~30 seconds.

It's an rpg with weapons and armor so I'm guessing that I'll get proper swords eventually.

Became really boring when I started playing as Marcus' son. Robots don't have the oomph.

Got decently far but before the mutants became too much.

I've never beat the DLCs of this game but I own them now. I started a modded playthrough but I haven't made much headway yet.

There's a good game here but it's boring. Maybe I'll beat it in the future.

Played on Mac/PC switching around. Veteran difficulty first playthrough. Playing this, F.E.A.R. & Quake 4 at the same time for comparisons purposes.

Fairly disappointing, If I ever finish it'll be on PC.

I like Destiny's aesthetic but every time I try to return I grow bored.

Migrated from PS4 to PC after first light.

I was actually on the last level of playing the game but I haven't beat it. I think switching computers and shit put it on the backburner, hopefully I still have my saves.

The performance is really bad which is why I haven't made it far in the game.

This is one of the best God of War clones and the best Wolverine game I've played. A very good superhero game.

Uncharted 2 7/10, big improvement.