This game played horrible, had a lot of issues and random crashes, the final boss is fucking bonkers borderline impossible to beat... but god it is so fucking funny. It was worth every $ I spent on it. Laughed my ass off with my friends with all the Touhou and Higurashi characters fighting each other and trying to find a way to cheese the game. If you are not going to play it I recommend you check out the typical "all specials and finishers" video fighting games tend to have on youtube. My personal favorite has to be Kaguya's finisher; if you have played Shoot the Bullet and/or Double Spoiler before you are certainly gonna have a good laugh.

I was surprised by this game. Definitely one of the best rogue-likes out there, especially if you are into shmups. If not then you may suffer with this one a bit

I may be the only person who preferred the original. But I'm probably looking at it with nostalgia glasses. The game does have some issues, the biggest of them all is the perfomance with the consistent fps drops during certaint sections of the game. This is definitely because of the flash engine. The new ones are totally better but I just couldn't get myself to like them as much.

I don't care giving this game 5 stars because I fucking loved it.

This game had a lot of potential. The single player modes are boring (spirits, world of light), most characters are similar with barely any variation in styles, online is an offense to the fans, training mode is basic and has some bugs, barely any mechanics to master or play around (if any really: B-reversing, RAR specials, multi-hit dragdowns, wavelanding and that'd be most of the useful ones I think?. Most character-specific stuff isn't that used really and people tend to overhype new "tech" showing how desperate they are for having anything interesting), lots of characters with issues related to inconsistencies that fans have been complaining for 3 years and the devs don't really care (too busy tweaking/buffing/nerfing random numbers or final smashes).

A shame really. Aside from all that, game can still be fun casually and every once in a while fun tournaments like BTS. If you live in a region that isn't US, Japan or a country where you can travel a lot, then consider twice before getting into this game since the online sucks.

I know I may be repeating myself, but seriously the online suck so much (especially if you are in a country where almost nobody plays this online). If it were better I would even give 2 extra stars to the game.

This game is very close to being the best plaform fighter. I wish it had better online tho.

As for the extra content, the story mode is kinda ass but the steam workshop basically turned the game into the platform fighter equivalent of MUGEN. I recommend getting the steam version for this reason since you'll be getting the most out of it once you start fooling around with the extra content.

I love this game and I'm a bit sad that I tried it too late. Too bad there isn't much people to play with in my region

imo the best 3D "classic" MMO out there

If you ever want to see what "Wasted Potential 2: The Game" looks like then go check this out.

If you are wondering what's "Wasted Potential 1". It's in my Pokemon GO review

Surprisingly a bit funnier than its most popular counterpart.

Only thing holding it back is that it doesn't seem like it knows where to go in terms of newer leagues, the fact that the QoL stuff you can buy with irl money can feel necessary if you are taking the game seriously and some bullshit one-shotting stuff you'll encounter from time to time when doing maps that you are most likely not going to be able to avoid. Besides all that this is definitely the best ARPG in the market right now.

My first impression day 1 was "wtf is this hot mess". I admit he kind of grew on me a bit as I continue to play with him. That being said, I still do firmly believe that he doesn't only has a lot of design flaws but he also embodies all of the issues I have with ultimate and modern smash bros as a whole. The restricting movement options, the unnecesary down b counter when you force the rest of his potential moves into his taunt, the auto-aimed movement attack, the auto-combos that barely leaves room for expression, the fact that he'll probably be optimal if played spammy and like a puss*.

Anyways. He still is fun casually and not the worst of the DLCs. Certainly not on banjo, min min or hero level. His stage looks pretty nice and the music certainly doesn't disappoint as expected. The fact that no disney thing appears is very funny, considering that 98% of his franchise is disney stuff, but that was to be expected and I bet most people are actually okay with that.

God this game aged so poorly but it's still so much fun