8 Reviews liked by JayfroC

just really one if the best games ever made

Back when Naughty Dog was the GOAT and not whatever the hell they are these days.



Exploration is hard to nail down when it comes to the feeling of absolute wonder of the world. Despite the whole game taking place underwater, this succeeds with that to levels I thought before it to be impossible. I got completely absorbed into the world and couldn't leave it untill I had seen it all. And for that, it's a gaming experience I doubt I'll get to experience similarly again.

A great game with a story that wrapped up nicely. Luckily they never made a sequel

Eu não sabia antes, mas eu tava precisando de um jogo genuinamente divertido. E Crash Bandicoot é perfeito pra isso, é um jogo de plataforma, leve, porém desafiador, e principalmente cheio de carisma. Não é normalmente o tipo de jogo que eu busco, mas esse jogo ajudou a acender a minha vontade de jogar vídeogame de novo, eu sou muito grato a Crash Bandicoot por isso!

Dizer que esse é um dos melhores Metroidvanias não é o suficiente, Hollow Knight faz bem mais que isso, tem várias vertentes de alguns dos meus jogos favoritos, ele abraça o mesmo vazio de Shadow of the Colossus, entende oque faz de Dark souls um jogo tão único e junta tudo em uma das melhores expêriencias que eu já tive o prazer de jogar.

The pinnacle of the metroidvania genre. Tight, skillful, fun combat, solid and occasionally brutally hard platforming, and incredible boss and enemy designs anchor the stellar gameplay, but where I really feel Hollow Knight separates itself is on the artistic side. The world is so well designed and interwoven, the NPCs are so characterized and memorable, and the art style is equal parts adorable and grotesque. The music is one of the best in games. The lore and worldbuilding are close to Dark Souls-level awesome. I wish I was good enough at the game to be able to play some of the endgame content, but ultimately that's part of the fun, isn't it? Hollow Knight is both accessible and fantastically punishing. This is one of the best games of the decade. Silksong when?