Wow this game’s combat is fun! (Besides the rock paper scissors mechanic.)

I wish there was more content because its single player content is basically nonexistent. So as much as I want to play more of it, there’s nothing to do.

One of the few Fnaf games to have a great custom night. The addition of new gameplay mechanics in the challenges adds so much variety to the mode. I'm honestly shocked that this, at least to my knowledge, hasn't been done before.

The rest of the game is fantastic, but I just wanted to gush about the custom night because most games treat it like an afterthought, even though, with some fine-tuning, it could become the most replayable mode in the game.

It's Panel de Pon with a Pokemon skin. Your enjoyment of this game will depend on how much you like playing this kind of puzzle game. I don't mind it. It's not up there with Tetris and Puyo Puyo to me, but I can still have a good time with it.

What the hell was that?

Some of the later tests were annoying but I had a decent time overall.

Not much else to say. It’s basically a Tech demo for the Nintendo 64. A good one for sure, but there’s not much to it.

Sorry Conrad, but I only just met you last episode. There's no way I am betraying Clem at this point.

Seriously though, what did Telltale expect to happen when they decided to put a new character up against Clem. Poor Conrad, he had no chance.

Also, Jesus is here. He's already the MVP of the season.

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"It looks like Mariana is going to be the Clem of this season. She seems like a fine character; I wonder how she'll-oh... she's already dead... never mind then."

Telltale needs to stop killing characters off suddenly for shock value. It's not "shocking" when you do it for the millionth time.

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I take the credit I've given Telltale back. Remember the neat decision in the last episode involving Tripp and Ava? Well, they decided to just kill the one who lived in the lamest way possible. Congrats Telltale, for screwing up such a great moment. The rest of the episode is still great, but I'm bitter about how they killed off the one who survived.

I think it's interesting that the choices you make while you play as Clem during the flashbacks effects how the episode ends. I'm glad the decisions there have some meaning. I thought it was strange that the game lets us make choices when it shouldn't matter since it's a flashback. In the end, I guess it did.

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Telltale deserves some credit here. Having to choose to save either Ava or Tripp, only for the rug to be pulled out from under you to instead have the one you pick die is genius. It's such a good subversion of the overdone, choose who to live decision we've seen since Season 1.

Javi, Kate, and David need to go to group therapy because holy shit, they are a mess.

Oh yeah, the game is good btw. No idea why it gets so much hate. I guess some of the choices didn't matter, but that's been an issue since the start of the series. It was worse in season 2. Although there are still some dogshit moments here, don't get me wrong. There's one choice at the end of episode 4 that I thought was fantastic initially, only for ep 5 to make that decision meaningless in the lamest way possible. If you know, you know. It's such a stupid moment.

But besides some awful moments here and there, I think this season is underrated. I mean, it has fucking Jesus in it. What else can ya ask for?

Out of the Metroid games I've played, this is my least favorite so far. The linearity is easily the game's biggest weakness. I wish the map was more open like in the other games. It felt like I was just going from point A to B over and over again. It got monotonous after a while.

The SA-X is great though. I do wish the sequences involving them weren't scripted. I'd prefer if they just hunted you down throughout the map, kind of like the stalker enemies from Resident Evil. But either way, they're cool and are easily the highlight of the game.

Yeah… I’m not a fan. I’ve always disliked how janky Frontiers is and this is more of the same.

I appreciate that it’s free, but I can’t bring myself to finish this.

I tried it out for an hour and it seems like a solid racing game. It is complete chaos which is great. I’ll definitely come back to this one every once in awhile.

It takes like 5 minutes to see all that this game has to offer.

Impressive for its time, but I couldn't get into it.