You know what, this game would be a lot better if the drifting wasn't so awful. Fix the controls and there might have been something of value to derive from it.

Anyways, this game sucks and the only thing I like about it is the music.

I enjoyed this more than I expected too. From what I heard about it I was expecting a pretty mediocre side story, but that's not what it was. Honestly, I feel like its short length damaged the experience. There were a lot of characters that I wish got more screen time.

Whoever thought it was a good idea to give enemies regen in master mode should be fired. At least Trial of the Sword is enjoyable.

Pretty good, but that final choice was not it.

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"I'm all they have."

Dies a second later.

Michonne is a great protagonist, but the story hasn't hooked me yet.

I wish the cameras didn't have that filter. I get it's trying to be realistic, but it makes it difficult to see. An option to turn it off would've been appreciated.

Other than that, the game is solid. I like how you don't have limited power but instead have a limited amount of time to close your doors. It adds a lot of tension whenever the animatronics gang up on you. Overall good game, and I recommend checking it out if you are into fnaf-styled games.


Hue is a pleasant little puzzle game. I wasn't expecting it to get so complex near the end.

At least we got cool VHS tapes before this was canceled.

Game good, but auto lock is driving me insane.

Also the side mode is better than the main campaign.

A choose your own adventure game where your choices don’t matter.

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Holy Shit they remembered how to make a good game.

It had Choices that matter. (kinda)

Conflict that isn’t just the adults being unreasonably angry at each other.

And moments where the characters just talk to each other without any arguments plaguing the conversation. I learned more about Luke here than the entire season combined. It’s something I missed from season 1 where they took the time to let me get attached to the characters.

The only negative is I think Kenny vs Jane is severely one sided. It should’ve been Kenny vs Luke since Luke has been the only character that I actually liked from start. The final choice would’ve been a lot harder.

But nevertheless great finale, mid season.

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Why give me a choice to save a character when they’re just gonna die anyways?

Season 1 had a similar issue, but at least they let the character live for more than 1 episode.