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It’s so strange how a bunch of grown adults are relying so much on a little girl.

The scene where they all turn to look at Clem was unintentionally hilarious. These characters are so useless.

Also this episode retroactively makes 400 days worse since all my choices there did not matter at all.

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It’s really funny how Kenny’s crew is 10 times more likable compared to most of the dumbasses Clem is stuck with.

Also fuck Bonnie, out of all characters from 400 days to show up, why her??!!

This masterpiece will never be topped.

I can't even count how many times I've played this game over the years.

Wow I hate everyone!

I’m so glad they decided to focus more on torturing Clem instead giving the new characters some time to warm up to me, because torturing a little girl is SOOOOOOO much more important than getting me to like the new cast.

I feel that the original two Portal games struck a perfect balance of being simple to understand but still complex enough to create plenty of deviously challenging puzzles.

I can't say the same thing for Portal Reloaded.

The introduction of the time travel portal is neat until you realize that it turns nearly every chamber in the second half of the game into a convoluted mess. Maybe I'm just dumb, but I had to use a guide more often than I did for the original games. Also, the game has no funny dialogue, so automatic downgrade.

Still fun, just a bit too difficult for me. But if you like a good challenge, give this mod a try!

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This bonus chapter contains multiple mini-stories that are loosely connected, even if it does not seem like it at first. Easily the best part of the DLC is slowly piecing together how these seemly unconnected stories are in reality connected. My favorite one has to be Shel's.

IDK if these characters ever return in the future seasons, but I enjoyed this episode as its own standalone story.

The local population gets harassed by a goose for its own sick amusement.

Fatal Frame creates a very horrifying atmosphere. The sounds that play in rooms, the music that changes whenever a ghost is nearby, the way the controller subtly vibrates whenever something supernatural occurs, and the camera angles really help you get immersed. Because of this, it’s terrifying to play. I haven’t felt this tense playing a horror game in a long time. And part of it is due to the way you fight ghosts.

In Fatal Frame, you use a camera to defeat ghosts. Taking pictures of the ghosts makes them disappear. Here comes the scary part, since you need to take a picture of the spirit, you need to stare at them directly. You have to stare at the enemy dead in the eye and watch them inch closer and closer toward you. Some ghosts aren’t that much of a threat since they usually stay still, making it easy to take a clear shot of them. However, that doesn’t apply to all of them. Some ghosts can move very quickly to avoid getting captured on the camera. Some can even disappear for a brief moment to attack you from behind. I loved this. Fights with ghosts always felt tense because of how tricky they can be to take a picture of. The samurai ghost was my favorite because he’s fast and is the only ghost able to use a weapon, which made him stand out from the rest.

The story is alright. Although, I didn’t play this game for the plot. The story has you playing as a girl named Miku to find your brother in a haunted mansion with a dark past. I think what hampered the plot was the voice acting. It’s atrociously bad, and not in a funny way. It feels like Miku doesn’t care about what's going on due to how emotionless she sounds. No hate to any of the VAs. The game is old, and poor voice acting during this time was common. It just, unfortunately, makes it difficult to get invested in the narrative. I like some of the ideas and how disturbing it gets when you learn the mansion's past, but overall it's the weakest aspect of the game.

Fatal Frame is a fantastic horror game and created an experience that I’ll never forget. There was a portion of the game where I ran out of healing items, and that was the most scared I felt in any horror game in a long time. I highly recommend trying out this game if you can. It's a classic!

And I thought they couldn't top the base game.

Holy Shit.

Easily the most disappointing game I have ever played. The time travel bullshit ruins such a great concept. This could've been a proper prequel to Breath of the Wild, but they decided to ruin it so we get our "happy ending" instead.

The first 2D Zelda that I finished all the way through. I enjoyed it. The shrinking mechanic created some fun puzzles to solve. I loved almost all the dungeons. The Fortress of the Winds was my personal favorite. The main problem I have with this game is the side content. I hate the Kinstone system. It made side quests needlessly complex and annoying to do. I eventually stop bothering to do any of them due to how convoluted the Kinstone system is.

Sega needs to make more games like this because it was really charming. I forgot how much I miss seeing all these characters interacting with each other.

This replay of Color Splash has honestly surprised me. I went into it thinking it would be just a slightly better sticker star. Instead, I actually got a good game. I fully believe this is the best modern Paper Mario game. It has the charm and humor the series is known for. The combat which is unfortunately the worst part of the game, is at least playable. I can’t say that about the other modern Paper Mario games. I love the world design. This game is way better than I remember and deserves more love.

The story is basically; find the seven things and then beat Bowser. That is the story. It is Sticker Star again, with one important difference. The writing is good. The plot is very barebones, but the characters and humor kept me engaged. It also helps that there are smaller-scale stories in some of the levels. The haunted mansion is a good example of this. In that level, you have to help all the ghost toads find peace. Some chapters have larger-scale stories like in the old games. So while the overarching story is lacking, the actual journey is a lot of fun to experience. It also helps that the main partner character is likable, unlike Kersti from Sticker Star.

The main thing that surprised me was how unique some of the levels were. Sticker Star was so generic and boring that it kinda threw me off how interesting some of the levels were. Unfortunately, it doesn’t start like that. The first chapter has mostly generic Mario areas with the only small exception being the beach festival. But the moment you get past Chapter 1, the game picks up. The areas start getting more interesting. I already mentioned the haunted mansion level, but there is also a really cool island that makes you switch between worlds to solve puzzles, and it's really cool. There’s also a level where you have to play through a recreation of a level from Mario 3, but you have the ability from Super Paper Mario that lets you turn the 2D plain into 3D letting you find and explore hidden areas. It is so much fun! The further you get the better the game gets. The levels are even better since you can paint in blank spots in the environment. This encouraged exploration and was a lot of fun. It enhanced these already great levels.

The music is also fantastic, although that's a given for this series. Some of my favorites are the battle theme, Ludwig’s boss theme, Wendy’s boss theme, Port Prisma, the overworld theme, and a remix of N64 Rainbow Road.

Now there is one big thing I haven’t mentioned yet. That is the combat, and it's not great. It's very flawed due to the card system, not being able to choose who you want to attack, and how slow it is. Here’s the thing. I don’t care. The combat is bad, but it's at least playable. Sticker Star had no redeeming qualities so the bad combat made the game worse. In this case, everything else about the game is so good, that I didn’t mind the flawed combat system. It's at least playable, which I can’t say about Origami King's combat.

Overall, Paper Mario Color Splash surprised me. It was way better than I remembered. I firmly believe it is the best modern Paper Mario Game. I highly recommend checking it out.

The pizza sim stuff was surprisingly fun. I honestly prefer it over the night gameplay. It relies on sound cues which I personally dislike, but it's at least better than Fnaf 4. I also like the idea of the nights being as long as it takes you to complete your tasks. It gives you the option to play riskier to beat it quicker or play it safe which takes longer.

Also, the ending speech is amazing and it would've been a solid finale for the series.

Side note: I wish we could have gotten an expanded pizza sim over Ultimate Custom Night. That could've been really good.