The game which started it all, has its problems, like bugs and glitches and some bad game design decisions, but these are details that were necessary to be here so they could improve them on future titles. Great (and hard) game.

Innovate game, brilliant idea, awesome lore that keeps you instigated keep going until the end.

A lovely surprise, I tried it after a recommendation and I'm not disappointed, beautiful graphics and awesome OST, innovative platforming mechanics that I thought worked well and gave it its personal touch, that's a prove right here that my country Brazil has a lot of potential in the game developing scene.

One of the worst experiences I've had in life

A classic case of love and hate.

Extremely fun, but badly managed

Overwatch 1 but even worse managed

Overwatch of the alternate world, very fun tho

Even though I suck hard at it, it's very addictive

Definitely one of the games ever made

A good enjoyable time with a few little control response problems that could be annoying sometimes, but overall, it's a nice game.

Nice sequel, they've really improved a lot of things from the first one, but still has several game design issues, specially towards the last stages, which are really frustrating to deal with if you are not using save states. I usually try to avoid these features to have the best experience, but in this case, they are balancing features, last stages and Boo Beam boss are truly broken.

It was a pretty good game, like a mix between Team Fortress, Valorant and CS, but it was poorly managed and the game died, it's sad cuz it had massive potential.