47 reviews liked by JerichoLoyalist

Why did they give him the No Country For Old Men haircut

This game impressed the hell out of me. It's still very much early days so it's a little rough around the edges but this game is turning out to be a very good alternative to an Elder Scrolls game with a bit of a darker setting.

it's funny that this is being sold for $50 when it's basically the same scale as ps3-era assassin's creeds which were sold for $60

does absolutely nothing new and the story is pretty bad

Bomb Rush Cyberfunk is an audio visual joy that surpasses the work that inspired it.

I remember this as a game that I thought was trash even as a kid, it played bad and looked ugly, it felt like a really cheap title. Despite this, a surprising amount of the online info I've seen has been relatively positive about it though. Apparently this was even made by the people who made some of the Micro Machines games (I haven't played that admittedly, maybe I'll hate that too). Maybe I was just trash as a kid, maybe the character designs are just too ugly and clouded my judgment. Maybe my opinion's just different from the others. idk

I don't have a joke. Game's good.

Don't "developers" know you're supposed to make games "beatable"?

Been a fan of this series for a while, but never played the games in order. In till recently, this was the only game I haven't played and once finishing them I got to say it was a solid game. It takes a while for the story to get interesting but once it those I was very engaged. I can't see myself revisiting this but I'm happy I got to experience it.

It's fascinating how a soul-less game so clearly made with the only purpose of making money gets away with it.

But not gonna lie, it's so bad i had actually a lot of fun playing it.