
Laughably lacking the video game. The semi-open world segment is boring, the characters are boring and the story is boring. Some of the set pieces such as the Gigantimax fights are cool and the Mushroom city but overall a boring experience that doesn’t innovate.


Goated game, I have amazing memories playing this with my friends. It doesn’t get a higher rating because the ‘story mode’ is ass.


Didn’t care for this game, especially the starters, I found them boring.


Nostalgia is probably talking here but it’s my favourite Pokémon game with really cool legendaries and OST but ultimately it’s a Pokémon game, so it can’t get higher than a 7 to me as it doesn’t innovate really.


The game kept me constantly engaged with the different Spider-Man gameplay styles. Noir is stealth, Ultimate is a dynasty type horde game mode, 2099 and Amazing are pretty similar though although 2099 has cool web wing sections. Also, bringing in a fan favourite/pre-existing voiced like Josh Keaton for the character was a great idea.

I love this game it’s bad.


The camera angle when fighting and plot in this game is awful, they didn’t have licensing for Andrew Garfield’s face and a lot of the villains are weird mutant variants or Z listers. I swear Vermin is in this game - I am not 100% sure but this game is so ass and forgettable that I am not checking.

Atmosphere of this game is unparalleled, and I love the subtle lore.

I crave Silksong.


I guess this is better than the last one since it has Kingpin and Carnage in it. Also, I find it funny that Black Cat is in this game because Sony/the developers thought there would be more films and she would have a bigger role is subsequent sequels. Either way it’s a forgettable game so there isn’t much to say.


I love Diamond but found this dull and uninteresting - that be because the Pokémon formula has grown tiresome to me or it could just be for a remake this is lacking. Either way core elements from Diamond are here which I like but that is about all I can say.

In beating pantheon of hallownest it induced a mental breakdown. Do not attempt this if you value your time or sanity…