
A classic 16-bit platformer in modern clothing. This game has it all: a great soundtrack (bops), great level design, great character design, great visuals, a cheesy but fun story and to top it off additional campaigns which are particularly fun. Spectre of Torment has a particularly tragic but amazing story that surpasses the base game. Overall the presentation of this game is second to none, and a true nostalgic platformer that I would recommend to new and old players.


Genuinely a good game - the camp again and gunplay are amazing. I enjoyed the previous call of duty game but this was the first one that I can properly recall because it stood out by revolutionising the Call of Duty formula.


It truly was our ‘Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2’.


I enjoyed the game but I don’t honestly remember much about this game. I found the story fun but not as much as the previous two in the series.


Genre defining.Amazing gameplay, campaign and zombies. I am a big zombies player and this has some of my favourite maps in the series such as ‘Kino’ and ‘Moon’. One of my favourite shooters of all time.


Just as good as the first.


Even better than before. Zombies is my favourite part of Treyarch games and this is the best it has ever been. Not only is Shadows of Evil my favourite map but Zombies Chronicles brings back a bunch of favourites from BO1 and BO2. My only problem is that Gobblegum’s can feel like a helping hand but also a massive crutch.


Sad. A forgettable zombies experience and campaign. I heard that the multiplayer is actually really fun but I barely played it as I am more interested in the aforementioned campaigns and zombies game modes.


Story or characters didn’t really interest me.


Bland battle royale. Nothing particularly amazing and nothing particularly bad. The gun play is adequate.

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Bare bones basic Pokémon and gaming experience. It is neither really good or really bad.


Clunky mess. Also, while I live Crush 40, playing “Seven rings in hand” after beating every single mission killed me on the inside.


I played this game when I was like 9 - I could never beat the second King Arthur fight but it didn’t help that the gameplay is really clunky.


I love the postgame content flying around on Latiose


I played this game during Covid and it was a breath of fresh air, so relaxing but also complex to keep you playing for hours. The developer (yes SINGLE DEVELOPER) continually adds big updates as well - marking the game feel constantly new. Also, the modded support will of the game is great as I played 5 player with my friends this year on ‘Stardew Valley: Expanded’ and it made me love the game even more - the game became a completion with my friends for who could make the most money in the shortest time. Overall, what I am trying to say is the game has constant new elements making it almost impossible to get bored of.

My only critique with the game is that the first Spring/Summer can feel a little boring or tedious when doing multiple subsequent farms while you build or your wealth. This isn’t a massive detriment but compounded with the fact that most of the brew content is typically late game like ‘Ginger Island’ or the beginning of the game like a ‘Beach Farm’ this can be annoying.