
I played this game during Covid and it was a breath of fresh air, so relaxing but also complex to keep you playing for hours. The developer (yes SINGLE DEVELOPER) continually adds big updates as well - marking the game feel constantly new. Also, the modded support will of the game is great as I played 5 player with my friends this year on ‘Stardew Valley: Expanded’ and it made me love the game even more - the game became a completion with my friends for who could make the most money in the shortest time. Overall, what I am trying to say is the game has constant new elements making it almost impossible to get bored of.

My only critique with the game is that the first Spring/Summer can feel a little boring or tedious when doing multiple subsequent farms while you build or your wealth. This isn’t a massive detriment but compounded with the fact that most of the brew content is typically late game like ‘Ginger Island’ or the beginning of the game like a ‘Beach Farm’ this can be annoying.


Personally, I still love a lot of the 3D Sonic games but I appreciate the ‘return to form’ that a lot of 2d fans wanted for so long . The OST is the standout for me in this game - the remix of chemical plant, metallic madness and Stardust Speedway are all bobs that complement the high speed energy of the gameplay!

Glad to have you back sonic!


Story or characters didn’t really interest me.

Adventure Timf is one of my favourite cartoons and this game is a disservice. It’s not awful but the potential of a semi-open world game has so much potential that this fails to capitalise on.


Solid game. I really enjoyed the setting of this game; while the plot and characters are pretty mid I find that the world does some heavy lifting in this game as I enjoyed the arena for fighting the Elite Four and the castle where you get a Lucario.


For a free game it’s pretty amazing. However, that is about the best compliment au can give as although the character designs and setting are pretty good to be honest, the game lacks any challenging content and never really innovates on its self. Once you’ve played the game for five hours you’ve basically played in for 100 hours. All you’ll do is grind new artifices to do the same Spiral Abyss, and as for the story while it’s not awful a lot of it is meaningless dialogue interactions that don’t force the player to engage in anything.

I still play this game now: it is my favourite multiplayer shooting game with tight movement and unique gameplay that is only held back by its publisher (EA) being stubborn with the IP.

Great proof of concept. The sequel improved on every aspect.

I’ve played this game at 3 different but pivotal moments in my life, and what I love most about it is that it offers me a new perspective on the events. For instance, when I originally played the game although I loved the art style - I felt I lacked an emotional connection as I was 15 or 16 and couldn’t relate to Mae’s problems. However, after playing this game during and after university where I also felt overwhelmed it grounded me in new experiences which is something few other games have done for me.


Loved the game but the gameplay could be improved if the enemies were visually there instead of like dots/miniaturised objects - doing so would have sold me on the scale more and also made me more immersed.

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Bare bones basic Pokémon and gaming experience. It is neither really good or really bad.


I love the postgame content flying around on Latiose


I played this game when I was like 9 - I could never beat the second King Arthur fight but it didn’t help that the gameplay is really clunky.


Clunky mess. Also, while I live Crush 40, playing “Seven rings in hand” after beating every single mission killed me on the inside.

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I love the Christmas setting and how Venom is incorporated into the movement. However, the game is too short to justify its price as well as too short to create the same level of character development as the first game - Phin and Uncle Aaron feel massively undercooked.