11 reviews liked by Jimaldo17

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the idea of the Jedi and the Sith or the Rebellion and the Empire or just the nature of the force, allows for stories that speak to the morality of humanity, of people and of the human condition. Star Wars thrives when it focuses on these elements because at the heart of the magic and fantasy and sci-fi are very real stories that uncover things about us as a people. Cal’s journey is one that so many have faced and will face in the future and the way it’s portrayed as so authentic, so earnest and so vulnerable are things we rarely see in Star Wars, a true grapple with a darker side of yourself that feels so hard to beat, a trauma that moulds who you are without consulting you first, and inner demons you have to beat at all costs. This is why despite the pacing issues and plot being pretty incidental, I think the game shines, because the character themes are impeccable and this is where we come back around to Dark-Souls… The direct themes of Jedi Survivor are inline with the gameplay loop and mechanics of the souls-like model. Cal is fighting, a futile fight but refuses to give up and that’s true of his battle against the empire on the surface and his battle against the dark side within himself. He lost his master, he lost cordova, he lost Cere, Cal keeps losing but he gets back up and he tries again, he does fail like Dagan, he doesn’t give in like Rayvis and he doesn’t throw away his family like Bode, Jedi Survivor, as an extension of Jedi Fallen Order is a direct examination of the futility one must fight on the battlefield and in the mind and the that is one of the most incredible uses of the souls formula, it’s paying homage to the game it’s taking inspiration from but it’s don’t in a way that stays true to Star Wars and to Cal Kestis and this is why I can’t help but overlook so many of the flaws. Sure the extrinsic events happening and guiding our character journey could and should be better, there is plenty I’d change on that front, but it’s what the game has to say that is just fantastic, I shed a tear in that final cutscene because I just felt so strongly and I empathised with Cal Kestis on such a deep level that it had an emotional effect on me and part of that comes from the marrying of gameplay and narrative themes. This game’s strength is in how it uses the great character work of our supporting cast, the set ups and backstory of the first game, the tiny little character moments sprinkled throughout survivor and the mirroring of each major antagonist, culminating in a finale that focussed so heavily on who Cal Kestis is at his core. I cannot wait to see what they do in the 3rd game and I hope they give us a satisfying conclusion to the character arc Cal has been on, and if it’s anything like this, then The Star Wars Jedi trilogy is going to be one of the best Star Wars trilogies ever made.

I finally get it. If you want to open the locked door shortcut to understanding why the Souls games are so fun, Bloodborne is the hidden lootable key that’s hidden inside on an innocuous pot you need to dodge roll into.

It gets repetitive but I like hopping around buildings and Altair's a cool guy

5 stars because it's got ass in the title not just once, but twice.

God of War is a game that manages to stand out without sticking out. It takes what made the original trilogy work and it translates that to a new genre of game that works to represent the core story themes in a way that is so complementary. This game is art, in every sense of the word, from the single camera shot, not the first of it’s kind but an element that elevates the deeply personal narrative being told. The gameplay that has mechanics with enough depth to keep you learning more until the credits roll, exploration of a space that not only feels meaningful from a contextual point of view but a metatextual one too. The world is adorned by lore around every corner in the most meaningful of ways that not only work to make the world convincing but to build on the characters we have using the norse myths we all know so well. And in using the gameplay and exploration in tandem you create an experience that keeps you guessing, always learning new skills, always being able to come back to areas you thought exhausted to find more, collect more and grow as a character and as a player. The use of nostalgia but only in just the right places, never for overly gratuitous fan service, always in the service of character building, nothing is done without reason and depth to every reason. All of these elements and so many more, work together to crafted a narrative that is one of the best the medium has ever seen, using tropes and familiar techniques in new ways to combine, contrast and create something truly, truly special.

I would indeed say that God of War is a masterpiece, no art can ever be perfect, that’s what makes art interesting, gives it character, but if I ever had to use the adjective of perfect, I think God of War 2018 earns that use

The greatest open world I’ve ever lived in, and I really mean lived. This game creates the experience of truly existing in a virtual space. Whether that’s to head into town and speak to the locals, buy new gear, hunt animals in the snowy mountains, bond with your horse or spend hours upon hours fishing. RDR2 captures a certain level of immersion that is both captivating and alienating to different people yet that’s the price of creating something with such a level of feel artistic integrity. And that’s to say nothing of the story, character and themes all of which are some of the strongest in the industry or any industry for that matter. They took a beloved game, and made a prequel that ultimately bolsters the original thing while also superseding it in every single capacity. A true masterpiece.

THE Assassin’s Creed. Assassin’s Creed is one of my all time favourite games, it’s the game that made me think of games in a totally different way than I had my entire life up to that point, it was a realisation that games can be so much more than just “fun”, they can be thought provoking, they can connect people thousands of miles away through online discourse, they can be escapism in a form that I had never understood before the first Assassin’s Creed and most of all, video games can be made specifically for you, sometimes other people wont get it, they’ll call it bad, outdated, clunky, repetitive and boring. But if you get it… if it speaks to you, then it doesn’t matter in the slightest. I’m sure there are plenty of people who will tell me I’m wrong, that AC1 is an old boring game with repetitive missions that was only improved on in later entries and while you’re absolutely entitled to feel that way, I don’t care, because I get AC1 on a fundamental level, I get this game and I have always felt it gets me. From the intrinsically layered narrative that always has something to say, to the methodical and deeply immersive gameplay, the gorgeously atmospheric visual style or the musical genius from Jesper Kyd, I genuinely believe this game is a masterpiece in the most unique of ways and everyone that worked on it, completely outdid themselves. The Ezio trilogy is spectacular and manages to continue the story in a way that was never not satisfying and intriguing, but AC1 is unique, there’s nothing quite like it and whether I’m 10 years old or 26, Assassin’s Creed 1 will always capture my attention as what is to me, personally, the perfect Assassin’s Creed.

Do yourself a favour and play this (don’t buy it though because giving Ubisoft money is very cringe) Chronicles China is a gem, the other ones might suck but this is genuinely fun, mechanically deep, satisfying and challenging. Banger game.

So glad god of war copied this masterpiece