Tbh, i really liked the original game on the ps2. This remake does look "stunning" and with HD Sounds, however, i do feel like this game lost its charm the more i played it.

Some features missing and straight up broken in some parts. The robo sandy boss fight plays really fast, and her stretched limbs move has a finicky hitbox that for the life of God i could not manage to avoid without taking damage. Overall, this game is a servicable remake at best for new "fans", but for the old fans, it is rather disappointing.

What an awesome game it is.

Zortch feels like a dream, (both in gameplay and the overall vibe of the experience) the maps are so well detailed and dense that, no joke, made me get lost for around 20 or so minutes on some levels. That's maybe the only complain that i have about the game itself, the rest, only praises. The weapon selection may be small, but solid enough to get me to switch the weapons all the time just to experiment with the play-style.

It's a pretty barebones "clone" of Katamari Damacy. The graphics may be cheap but somewhat charming. The soundtrack is surprisingly catchy, and the exploration mode themes are really relaxing. The main campaign is super short and the gameplay is overall repetitive. If you wanna play Katamari but you're low on budget, i recommend you to pass this one, but, if it is your thing, go for it.

A really fun and challenging Spider-Man game

It's a serviceable mario kart game on mobile. The heavy amount of content and fanservice is fascinating, even tho, it should instead be present in a mainline mario kart game.

It's a fun battle royale game, unfortunately, my potato pc cant run it well. But i really liked it.

A decent 3D platformer with a dose of combat. The platforming feels neat and challenging, the combat even tho repetitive, always gets me on the edge and provides enough fun during combat sections.
Overall a solid Rayman game, even tho, a bit inferior than Rayman 2. The HD port could've been released onto different platforms rather than being stuck on the PS3 and XBOX 360.

Literally smash bros but lacking the charm that made Smash so special and fondly remembered about. Full price for a game without a proper "arcade mode"????

A hidden gem amongst the many generic plain simple horror games from steam. Employee of the Month really does stand out as a comedic horror esque adventure with a pinch of surrealism based on time loops. It is worth checking out and consider buying it!

A dull un-inspired platforming game that copies the crash formula. I would recommend this game for kids because they'll get amused by it, but if you'd really want another game with the crash formula.. its better to stick with the bandicoot himself.

Played the SM64 Plus fan made version.

It is a graphic game, but i dont plan on playing it again soon..

I'd rather treat this game as an art form rather than an actual game. It's a dirty and comical experience that is worth checking for a try.

I once played in 2019 and wasn't my cup of tea, but i did liked it a bit.