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3 days ago

JordanZZ reviewed Hades
I felt like running through the story again in prep for 2. I had about 110 hours on switch before so I ended up putting it on hell mode. I'm glad I did, because even with that on I still ended up nabbing my 1st win early and missed some story segments.
For the most part, Hades 2 doesn't just feel like a straight up upgrade on 1. In a lot of ways the game feel does very different things so one doesn't invalidate playing the other. That being said, going back to the "call" system for ultimates over the Selune ones in 2 is such a massive downgrade. The amount of runs where I just neglect getting that slot filled and still win is very telling. Also, while I like Mel in 2, Zag is just going to always be my guy. Easily in my top video game protags. Hades was right. Dude should've been the god of back talk. I live for his sass.

11 days ago

JordanZZ reviewed MultiVersus
It's still fun, especially if you got someone to play with online, but the slowed down gameplay feels off and my brain just cannot process the 4 different currencies.

11 days ago

JordanZZ is now playing Cassette Beasts

13 days ago

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