I finished this game 3 times and I know I'm gonna do it again. Just play it, I don't have anything to add.

I mean, it's a good game but the community is absolutely terrible. It consists only of salty killers complaining about keys and salty survivors complaining about memento mori. If you want to play it, play with friends and only friends, otherwise you're gonna go insane.

gameplay wise: well, it's an assassin's creed game so pretty good
story wise: bugdet ezio has no character growth until the ending

favorite fe, first one i finished
pretty easy but it allows you to mess around and not tryhard cough cough awakening lunatic/lunatic+ cough cough

visually the best one, ending is a mixed bag

What if you
Wanted to create a mafia to help your race
But angel komeada said
"It's Great Justice time"

Zero's motives are complex, y'know

Cases 1-2 really good
Cases 3-5 Kino