played 2 nights and my pants where full after I met the molten freddy man that mf really made me turn my head 180° because I was startled

was a good game to play while watching naruto not to fell asleep but 70 hours of waste


Worst game ever in existence please delete it

good game (I really felt like a dragon because I first tried the final boss)

really fun to play with friends but still have schizophrenia

only time I destroyed a controller but good game

reminds me of yakuza 5, so good game

fun game with friends but I see kids dancing everywhere (still 1 star because I bought gangnam style for the epic win)

played a few rounds not a fun game but the videos I saw on twitter and a few other sites were interesting

long game but if you love yakuza you will love it (excellent game btw Saejima and Daigo biggest goats ever)

bloodborne made me aggressive (good game)