Played on Dreamcast and PlayStation 1.

Industry defining classic with cheesy dialog, engaging gameplay with few jump scares and fairly solid controls. Enemy variety and placement is excellent and keeps challenging the players ability to navigate through the hell scape of Raccoon City. Soundtrack is also superb.

A personal favorite, and the first JRPG I have played. A normal playthrough is around 15-20 hours with a few secret areas. One of the more lesser known Final Fantasy titles, but one that doesn't waste your time!

The grand-daddy of all fighters. The one true fighting game to rule them all.

A masterful work of art created by Nintendo's best developers. A game full of mystery, exploration and power-ups. Whose design is instrumental to todays legendary Metroidvania style of games. A must play for any gamer whose an avid explorer.

One of the first Mario games I played as a kid back in 1991. Superb level design, tons of secret exits and areas to explore. Amazing power-ups and wonderful music. A game truly deserving of your love and adoration.