136 reviews liked by KAZZY69

To right the countless wrongs of our day, we shine this light of true redemption, that this place may become as paradise. What a wonderful world such would be...

I don't remember what my first exposure to The World Ends with You was, or when. For the longest time I thought it was this video but since replaying the game I'm no longer so sure, the date that video was uploaded is April 15th, 2019, but having combed through old Discord messages, I can see that I had played this game at least by March 14th. Regardless, what I do know is that one day, back in early 2019 I saw The World Ends with You: Final Remix on the shelf at EB Games, and having heard good things about the DS version I picked it up.

I was a lot like Neku, which isn't something I'm proud to admit. I had the same mindset of keeping people out, being unable to "get people", the whole nine yards. Although, maybe that was a learnt behaviour, when I was in high school the group of friends I hung out with had a big falling out and basically split in two overnight. I was told that this happened at my birthday party because I had invited people from both sides and most of them didn't show up or say anything to me. I haven't wanted to celebrate my birthday since.

"Trust your partner" are words spoken to Neku and echoed in his mind throughout the course of the entire game. To have to put your entire faith in someone for the sake of both of you, it's a big ask, and completely impossible with a mindset like that. Despite this, the game never presents Neku's mindset as wrong, instead it is presented as an unfulfilling and unnecessarily more challenging way of living, a key distinction in my mind. If you share Neku's sentiments about life and people you don't have to change, but you'd probably be better off if you did.

I don't think I really internalised these messages when I first played the game, but to be fair I was 17. I do know that I experienced the life changing affects of the game that everyone harps on about at that time, but I don't think I really changed as much as I could have, I don't think I wanted to.

And then I realised I was transgender.

"Listen up, Phones. The world ends with you. If you want to enjoy life, expand your world. You gotta push your horizons out as far as they'll go."

I don't think this is one of those cases where a piece of media causes someone to realise they're trans, although the timing of me playing The World Ends with You to me figuring it out is pretty close.

Suddenly, my world changed just as much as Neku's did except now I was a stranger in my own walled garden, I no longer understood myself, I hardly had a hope of understanding others. I started hormones on 10/09/19, and shortly after I found myself in a local community of trans people. I was pushing out my horizons just a little bit.

I tried to be just like them, talking about subjects I didn't really want to, forcing myself to the point of deluding myself into thinking I did. I was accepted, but only as an accidentally created artificial version of myself I had bludgeoned myself into thinking was who I really was. That I was "discovering" myself. It makes me sick to look back on. It didn't last and I was sinking back into my old mindset of asocial apathy, but at least it was actually me.

I met my girlfriend in this community, and her single influence on me has been more positive and influential for me than any sense of belonging derived from a community I didn't fit in with ever could be.

The World Begins with You

I completed work trainee-ships, I'm getting my life together (maybe only a little bit), and I feel better about myself, not because of a false self of belonging but from an internal sense of direction for my own life. I have hope and prospects for my future, and my ideals are clashing with the people I'm actually keeping around, and I'm letting people in, just a little. While it's true that it's not hard to understand people, it's impossible, I figure I still might as well try.

"Same streets, same crowds too. Yeah, Shibuya hasn't changed a bit, but still, I don't think I can forgive you yet. You don't see it, but, those few weeks were very hard for me. Learning to trust people, having that trust broken. Finding out the town I pegged as small, and stifling, and empty, wasn't any of those things. I'm glad I met you guys, you made me pick up on things I probably would've just gone on ignoring. Trust your partner, and I do. I can't forgive you, but I trust you. You took care of things right? Otherwise Shibuya would be gone, and my world with it. Hey, did I mention, I've got friends now! We're getting together for the first time in a week! See you there?"

Oh yeah btw the games good, the controls are kinda hard to get used to though, funnily enough I think being left handed like me makes the game easier. Fuck the final boss though I dropped my difficulty to easy cuz it just kills you in 4 hits.

absolute gem on the DS. extremely unique at almost everything it does. great capture of Japanese youth in the mid-2000s. godlike ost and very pleasant pacing.

The combat was pretty good and the controls were surprisingly tight. I just never got to really make use of my teammate on the upper screen. 90% of the time I just spammed in one direction hoping for the best.
The lower half on the other hand worked like a charm and made me really appreciate this game's approach to the touchscreen on the DS.
Great variety of pins with a lot of different move-sets and effects.
Sadly a lot of this game's features never went to use in my playthrough because they either are way too complicated and useless to even bother or the age of time killed them. Another thing dragging it down is the semi-well-written story. The setting is amazing and exciting but over the course of those 21 days you get to know almost nothing about this interesting world. Even the postgame extra files don't explain a lot and rather infused the confusion I had. Maybe the second game answers all my questions.
I can definitely see its potential in its Era and still can't grasp how I missed this in my early teens.
Absolute must play for everyone who owns a DS and is into JRPGS.

neku is among the greatest protagonists in fiction
godlike music
fun and unique gameplay
every character is amazing

This game is AMAZING, NDS sure has a lot of hidden gems, and this game is a truly hidden game, too bad its on the shadow of kingdom hearts, i mean, i like KH, but the quality of TWEWY is SUPERIOR

Devo agradecer persona3 reload, melhor coisa que saiu daquele jogo foi ter aberto a porta pra eu adentrar na franquia Shin Megami Tensei.
e caramba como eu me diverti muito mais nesse jogo. o combate é melhor, a mecanica dos "demonios" é superior, a historia por mais que tenha sido um ponto que deixou a desejar da metade pro fim ainda assim é muito mas por muito mais interessante que persona 3! A historia de Shin Megami Tensei, é o esperado doq voce espera de um samurai se voce seguir a ordem = bonzinho. Nao segue a ordem = CANALHAAA MALDITO. E isso é complicado, pq eu ja nao curto japones fazendo firula em historia e ainda adiciona esse fator de samurai... ja viu onde vai parar...

Ainda assim o jogo tem muitas falhas, mas pelo oq eu me diverti jogando isso aqui merece a nota.

I enjoyed this smt a lot more than nocturne. The characters where very enjoyable and added to my decision on what ending to try for as I wanted to see more of all 3 of them. I tried to stay neutral but slipped to order near the end. I might follow a guide for neutral ending on new game plus but for now I'm satisfied.

Katana zero é o perfeito exemplo de como se escrever narrativa em jogos, ele utiliza com maestria elementos que só estão presentes neste tipo de mídia. A gameplay é perfeita, o jogo faz ótimo uso de suas mecânicas e instiga o jogador a continuar tentando não importando o numero de vezes em que ele falhou, sua jogablidade e historia conversam muito bem entre si.


This game was a great experience. The story was excellently told and quite trilling. The “combat” was really great and a real breath of fresh air. The only reasons this isn’t a perfect game is was it was really short it only took me around 4 hours to beat and it ended on a huge cliffhanger. I do believe the studio has a dlc/squeal in store and I’m sure my rating will change when it comes out.