Super simple side scroller in the same vein as inside/limbo. The overall premise was refreshing, being a puppet trying to break free from its confines. I wish they used the strings in the puzzles more as that was an awesome use of design. Game was a bit janky and unpolished, and a bit too easy. A fair go from a small team however.

Nothing special but nothing offensive either. A fun time with friends but the modes get stale fast. Lack of customisation and guns really make progressing a grind but is expected with a free to play game. Time to move on

Another game that plays straight out of the 360 days. The combat is like a simplified god of war but throwing annoying enemies at you in such a way that can get infuriating. After the first few chapters you are just fighting multiple mini bosses at the same time as they gangbang you. The story was woeful to the point of not being bothered to follow.

Another Lego game that is refreshing enough to allow a steady flow of drive. The change to semi open levels and a compass really make exploring a treat. Mix that with a series that was made for Lego and you got a winner. I just wish the replay value was a bit stronger as the changes make completing a bit tiresome. But I’m not fussed as the initial run through is enough.

I was looking forward to a nice little horror but damn was this a fumble. Boring story and terrible controls, like the pewdiepie pc era of horror games. Think slender man meets amnesia in all the worse ways

This game was just simple fun that was a blast plaguing with someone else. I haven’t laughed so hard I cried while playing a game in so long. What a great time. Simple controls that are hard to master, with moments that just scream badass.

This game was so hard on veteran it nearly sent me to an early grave. For how old it is the game has some great set pieces and grand battles not seen back then. With some cheap checkpoints, millions of grenades and crazy teammates you are looking at quite the experience. I’m proud to have this one done.

A weird open worldish kart racer with bad controls and a strange feel to it. The story/dialogue was clearly for kids but after playing it’s hard to see what kid would play it. The game can be somewhat difficult and is riddled with micro transactions in true 2K fashion. I was hoping for a Lego forza but was dissatisfied in what was provided.

Only fun when you drunk, high or brain dead.

Yes it’s a kids game but god damn why does it need the same mission, no dialogue skip and a story that makes you want to puke. Atleast Paw Patrol Save Adventure Bay allowed some level of movement.

A fun kart racer that surprisingly takes its source material very seriously. In a good way. The campaign is long but made more enjoyable when tag teaming levels with a friend. The generous toy box openings is addicting and makes you want to press on. I haven’t finished this but will be happy to go back soon.

Cute little puzzle game that try’s to focus on relaxation but falls flat due to the cursor being dreadful on the Xbox and some puzzles just so bizarre that you have to search. I would have preferred a style like unpacking which brought a more zen like feel.

When starting the game I was worried was not for me. But as I plodded along through the first few levels, getting abilities/the hang of things I realised the fun to be had amongst the rhythmic melee gameplay. Pulling off deathless runs on a section felt rewarding and looked amazing. Once I had my fill the game ended nicely not overstaying it’s welcome.

Going in blind this game surprised me. The cover gave it a sense of polish but on booting up it transported me back to my younger years. But not in a good way. The voice acting, graphics and overall gameplay was a slog. Sort of like a on rails shooter but allowing limited movement. There are a whopping 31 levels that don’t differ at all, albeit being quite short. On starting a recommend going into the settings and changing to cell shaded to get rid of a large portion of the uglies.

A very harmless walking simulator that doesn’t break the mould. It also isn’t memorable and the story is quite bland. I did like the artistic approach and it was a digestible size. Camera lock was a big issue and would happen regularly when moving around.