It's stupid fucking hard but in the end, it's pretty fun

Somehow, I thought this game was praised by most people. Did not know people didn't like it.

It's CSGO for kids/console players who say they've played/are good at CSGO but know jack shit about CSGO

It's a fitness game. A genre where I like most games in. I guess a 3 star rating is pretty... fitting.
Also, apparently weigh 5 1/2 pounds

Suprisingly okay for a free parkour mobile game released in 2012

It may have had mixed reviews at launch but any game with Zombies and Parkour gets a good rating in my book

I think this game is great, but severely overlooked. It's a great little run n' gun game!

This is one of my favorite games of all time easily. It's just stupidly genius.


I 100%ed this game because I thought it would be funny. It was and I have no regrets

I bought and played this on the PS1 because I got bored. If you're high, this is the greatest game ever made