Mario was just on vacation who flung him into space?

I absolutely love smashing the homies with my DK no homo

No Spider-Man 2 Pizza Themed mission 0/10

Cappy is literally a parasite and nobody talks about it

Who thought that a character that beats every character in one punch AND is invincible wouldn't be fun?

I applaud anybody who was able to enjoy this enough to beat it


I want Zagreus to crush me with literally any part of his body. I'm not gay, but holy shit is he hot


This game can rip and tear my ass up it's that good. Not favorite game good but good enough to the point where I can say that.
[Beat on Ultra-Violence]

Remember when Kojima said, "fuck you you're playing Raiden"?

Easily the best wolf game besides Twilight Princess. Yeah fuck you Wolf Tales

You will never guess what my least favorite game is

The name is stupid. Um Jammer Lammy, as a name, is stupid. The game is great but the name is dumb

The story literally is just Kingdom Hearts