A good spooky game without too many jump scares. Loved the break with the magical paper dragon story. Did glitch at the end and couldn't plug in the toaster in the jail cell. Restarted multiple times.

Really fun. Personally couldn't make it past half way since it's an older game without settings to widen fov. I get motion sick pretty easily with FPS games. :/

Had a lot of fun with friends

Really did not like the system of learning words from NPC's. I'd get places and find out I needed to speak to an NPC in the place before it. Had to travel back.

Also disappointed the 4th party member you name at the beginning doesn't appear until the final areas.

But, enjoyed that all party members could be any class or wield magic. The leveling of each weapon was fun

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Really fun first time. Definitely missed a lot of modern JRPG things, but enjoyed playing it.

Chaos was pretty hard, though. I was lvl 63 and had coasted through all other bosses before. Took 3 tries and a half hour on the last try only casting heals and physical damage.

Cool lore. Got stuck and a little bored

Horrible glitches. Waiting for updates

Has some work to do right now. With 3 people there aren't nearly enough item drops and it becomes excessively difficult to get past the first floor.

Would love to see the full game. Tons of fun in co-op

Lot of glitching. Just wandered around and wasn't really engaged with the missions

Just not my thing. Got an hour and a half in, but in that time only wandered and watched scenes. Got to swing the sword 3x. It's beautiful and the sound design is amazing, I just need more action to propel me through the story

It's alright. Nothing new really. Just shooting hordes.

Not a long game. Glitched a couple of times and had to start the chapter over. Nice little hour+ to spend puzzling

Kept the fast pace of the first one, but the sword combat was not as good. It made more sense in the first game and flowed better.

I also ran into a lot of glitches which didn't keep me from finishing, but definitely broke immersion. Tons of stuff like smoke graphics that would become a blinding white light when looked at a certain way. Made fights a little hard.

Overall, both games are promising, but not 100% of the way there yet.