I have yet to actually beat it, I've only played about 9 hours, and it is still in early access, but this is a very good and impressive game. The singular man that made this is very good.

The randomness in numbers and scenarios keep each run engaging and fun, though I find at a certain level the RNG will just completely fuck you over and put you in impossible fights that you have basically no chance of winning, but maybe I'm just not good enough lol.

Combat can feel weirdly sloppy, especially in the defense, but it works. The sloppiness keeps combat intense and it leaves a messiness that I feel an actual gladiator match would have. Hit's aren't always clean, damage will still slightly come through, it all has a very weighty and real feel to it.

This game is still very early in development, but what's here is VERY good and worth checking out. It is the best gladiator sim I've ever played. If you want to live out the gladiator "rising to the top" fantasy, this is your best bet at the moment.

Extremely addicting game.

There's so many mechanics, but none of them are overly deep. I wish the combat was better, but overall this is a really great map game.

Ideally I do the humongous world map, and then make all the countries spawn where they actually are IRL, then conquer the world as whatever country I picked. It's very good fun.

Perfect game made in a lab to keep you and ur little brain as addicted as possible.

probably gives the same addiction a casino would give but u don't lose money. It's perfect for that.

after like 2 months of playing it on and off, I'm gonna have to shelve this one.

This is a good and fun game, but one that just requires so much time put into it and so much dedication to it if you want to beat it. And that's fine, I've just found myself bored of the repetition.

So the problem with this game is that it's a rogue-lite, yet every run feels exactly the same. The modifiers aren't substantial or unique enough to change things up. Every run is pretty much the same thing.

So, when I'm 2+ hours deep into a run and I just randomly die by some random enemy, I'm sent back to the start and have to basically do the exact same 2+ hour process again. It is fucking grueling.

The shooting is fun, the mechanics are all there, the story is super interesting, it's all great stuff, but man I don't have it in me to do another super long session only to accomplish literally nothing.

Also the first time I made it to that icy cave biome, I jump down to this area that game clearly led me towards, only to find I literally cannot get out of the area and thus my run is completely over. Another 2+ hours wasted.

I really want to emphasize that this game has plently of good aspects and I understand why so many have this at 5/5 or 4.5/5s, but the rogue-lite aspects are just really repetitive and grueling to play through, and I simply don't have the motivation nor the time for it. Bye!


I originally gave this game a 4 out of 5, but after fully indulging myself into it by doing multiple playthroughs, watching hours and hours of review (check out ActionButton on youtube) and listening to the soundtrack for about a week straight, this game is genius.

You already know this is one of the most important games ever made, inspiring countless others to make FPS games, make WAD levels, make a level of adrenaline and speed not felt before. You cannot go over the history of video games without Doom.

Doom has such a level of speed that even backtracking is fun, I would go as far to say that this game has some of the best movement "feel" out of any FPS game. It just feels so good.

Every gun minus the pistol is legendary and needs to be experienced first hand to know how good it is. Once you shoot that shotgun everything just clicks in your brain and you're off.

The game is split into three chapters which basically go like this: Mars base, corrupted demonic Mars base, and Hell. All three of these chapters have exceptionally good and creative level design throughout. There are some levels that are really genius, especially considering how early the FPS genre was at this point. Carmack and Romero (the main developers) just nailed absolutely everything about the level design.

This is a top three video game soundtrack for me. Up there with Donkey Kong Country and Hotline Miami. Though they may have made some songs that are extremely similar to actual metal songs, I've never heard another soundtrack like Dooms. It sets the atmosphere perfectly for the game.

I could probably just keep talking about Doom forever so I'll end here, but trust me that this is one of the most important games ever. Every game made after Doom was influenced by Doom directly or indirectly.

I find it incredible that a game from 1993 made in a very new and somewhat primitive genre is far more fun than many games of today. I truly believe this game excels in every aspect.

Upon revisiting this childhood arcade classic, it still rules. It's just not as perfect as kid-me thought it was lol.

I am deducting half a point because there are quite a lot of cheap shots that are really just unfair. It can be learned and dealt with as the game is very short, you can learn where every single enemy placement is within a couple play-throughs, but the cheap hits cannot be justified, it's just cheap arcade stuff to take your quarters.

When it isn't being cheap though, it's so damn awesome. Both Death Star Runs, Battle of Hoth, Battle of Endor, Boba Fett Duel, and Darth Vader duel. Every one of these are awesome and so much fun to play. It can be extremely fast paced so it just hits you with adrenaline. It's just an extremely exciting game, there is never a dull moment.

I'm glad this one from my childhood holds up extremely well, and as far as I'm concerned, this is the best Star Wars arcade game ever. If you want an awesome Rail gunning experience through the Star Wars original trilogy, this is your game. Play it.

(See all my Star Wars Rankings and reviews on my profile here, the list is titled "Star Wars Ranked.")

This is what I want my Star Wars games to be.

God damn it's so nice to be done with that era of mid-90s Star wars games where 3 quarters of them are horrible, we've finally hit the golden era of Star Wars video games, starting off with Rogue Squadron.

The story of this game is basically, they saw the ship combat in Shadows of the Empire and thought, hey, why don't we make a full game of that? And yep, it's even more fun than it was in Shadows of the Empire.

The atmosphere is perfect for what the game goes for, the game looks and sounds perfect.

Level design is coherent and it's always easy to understand what you need to do, where you're supposed to go, and how to accomplish your goals. Dog-fights feel fair and towards the end they can get a little challenging but it's never an unfair challenge. Generally though I found this to be a pretty easy game.

Through its 3-5 hour run-time, you'll see 16 levels all with extremely diverse worlds with completely unique textures and feels to them. I never got bored of this game, I was completely engaged the whole time.

The story is also simple but nice enough. It's a cool feeling to be a part of the legendary Rogue Squadron.

Now, the problems: I played the PC version on Steam, and there are a couple issues. First off, the camera is buggy, and won't follow you when you boost, an essential mechanic. The solution I found is to just use the closest up third person camera view as it doesn't glitch there. You also can't customize your controls as much as you'd like, Since this is running at 60 FPS or over, the ships when far away will kinda wobble around like a bee would, this doesn't happen on the N64 version. And my final complaint, hitboxes for buildings, terrain, etc. can be a little off, I'd sometimes try to fly over or next to a building, and indeed not hit the actual building, only to hit into it's invisible hitbox and die.

While the X-Wing and Tie Fighter series of games are far more advanced and have much more going on in them, I had more fun with Rogue Squadron. I didn't have to spend hours trying to learn how the game worked, I didn't have to spend hours messing with settings, I didn't die in one shot or repeatedly get put into completely unfair situations, I just started up the game, plugged in my controller, and had an awesome Star Wars adventure for a couple hours. And that's really all I want. Definitely play this one.

(See all my Star Wars Rankings and reviews on my profile here, the list is titled "Star Wars Ranked.")

More like DroidDon'tWorks am I right guys.

This game is kinda broken and when it does work it isn't fun, just a boring chore. Unfortunate cause it's a very creative idea.

(See all my Star Wars Rankings and reviews on my profile here, the list is titled "Star Wars Ranked.")

So, I tried my absolute best to understand how this game works and how to play it, after trying for 4 hours i legitimately just don't understand how I'm supposed to play it. Just an extremely confusing game. Everyone on the internet just talks about how great this game is, but I really just don't understand how it works. Maybe if I had a guide or something I'd have fun, but man I just don't get it.

(See all my Star Wars Rankings and reviews on my profile here, the list is titled "Star Wars Ranked.")

7 months of development? 14 Levels? Oh no.

So, this is a direct expansion of Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight, which I gave a 2.5/5 due to horrible level design and some combat issues. Lo and behold, this expansion has even worse level design and combat issues!

Expect to spend 30 minutes trying to figure out the most random and incoherent puzzle, only to do it again a couple minutes later! And in between these incoherent puzzles are enemies that can tank much more shots than the first game, and will likely instantly land a shot on you upon seeing you, and are constantly hiding around corners!

So puzzles and general level design is absurdly confusing, combat is far more difficult and relentless than DFII, and enemies are placed oddly + frequently respawn. Hell, enemies even spawn directly behind you sometimes!

The ever so charming FMV cutscenes from DFII are gone, now just pretty bare bones in-game cutscenes, which all makes sense considering this was made in 7 months and on a much smaller budget. The story in general is worse. Only the intro and the ending are about the main story. The entire middle section of the game is just filler nonsense.

The aesthetics of the levels are also very boring and drab, at least DFII had interesting looking textures.

This game manages to have even worse level design and combat than DFII, all while dropping the ball on story. I didn't finish this game and just learned about the story separately through youtube and forums. The game just blows man.

If you disliked DFII at all, you'll hate Mysteries of the Sith.

(See all my Star Wars Rankings and reviews on my profile here, the list is titled "Star Wars Ranked.")

It's definitely Star Wars. It's definitely monopoly.

The animations and the same music loop would be quite maddening considering how long monopoly games can go on for. Idk man it's just Star Wars monopoly what can you say.

kind of a pain in the ass to get running today as well. Truly the Star Wars Chess of 1997.

(See all my Star Wars Rankings and reviews on my profile here, the list is titled "Star Wars Ranked.")

Alright, I'm gonna be real here guys.

This is just The past two games but with online multiplayer, which I cannot access anymore. From everything I've gathered and the single player I've played, this is literally just those past two games with some minor improvements and a large focus on online multiplayer game play. I'm sure this would have been extremely cool back in the day but as for now, this is just the same thing as the first two games but with a little less meat and charm.

(See all my Star Wars Rankings and reviews on my profile here, the list is titled "Star Wars Ranked.")

This game controls like absolute shit. There's no balancing, nothing makes sense, the window to do combos is insanely small. I hate it. Just a really annoying game.

The announcer is funny and the graphics look pretty nice, there's a lot of cheats or secrets or whatever that are cool, the endings on arcade are laughably brief.

Idk what else to add, this is just a really bad fighting game. Unfortunate!

(See all my Star Wars Rankings and reviews on my profile here, the list is titled "Star Wars Ranked.")

They Fortnitified my Overwatch :(