Alright, I've always said that DKC1 is better, but I was wrong. This game is on the same level or even better in some ways.

The music is insanely good just as 1, love it.

The platforming is pretty much the exact same as 1, except Dixie has some new abilities so that's pretty fun. Plus the ability to lift up and throw the second Kong is cool.

Level design is really good though towards the end there's some pretty bullshit enemy placements and some leap of faith jumps, but it's not enough to ruin anything. The only level in this game I'd genuinely say is bad is Toxic Tower, everything else is good. Seriously Toxic Tower just blows.

There's way more secrets in this one, but honestly I can't be bothered to find them all, neat to have them though.

The boss fights in this game are awesome and a major step up from the first game, really enjoyed all of them.

This game also has much more diverse biomes than DKC1, and has more animals to use, which is always welcome, though tbh I didn't like the spider.

This game is more of DKC1 yet it expands on it in many ways and makes its own thing, and while I still prefer DKC1, which one is better could go either way. Both masterpieces in my opinion. Play them!

Alrighty then, another shelved game, I feel bad, but man a lot of games are unnecessarily long. I've put in around 12-13 hours and I'm completely out of motivation to continue and finish the game.

So, the combat is OK, it's a little annoying cause I just want to finish enemies but I can't do it without getting interrupted, also ranged enemies break up flow and have to be addressed or else you'll just die. a lot of the little slashes aren't overly satisfying either. In general, combat is OK, it's nothing incredible but it gets the job done.

The stealth is also alright, it's pretty basic AC level stealth mechanics, which again, is OK, but nothing incredible.

The map is kinda lame. It's small yet very empty, all there is to find is uruk, slave humans, the dog-monster things, ghouls, and some other beasts. The random critters like rats, spiders, birds, etc. are pretty pointless and serve no purpose. I actually like the atmosphere and vibe of the map, but idk man it just doesn't do it for me.

The story is pretty bad. Just super forgettable and boring, I don't really care about any of the characters at all, they're void of any personality.

There's plenty more points I could go into, but after clearing out the first map 100%, and gaining access to the second map, I legitimately just cannot bring myself to continue, I just don't want to play it anymore.

Giving this a super low rating because it's basically pay to win.

Such a shame too cause the game itself is actually pretty fun, I really like everything about it and would love to really play it more but the problem is the game is terribly unbalanced. Unbalanced how? Well, the locked mechs or characters or whatever are really fucking OP, so basically, if you spend money and buy a better mech you'll be able to win. Straight up game killer.

Also fuck off with the battle passes man I hate this trend.

If anyone tells you this is a good game they are a certified contrarian and should be avoided at all costs.

Alright, 13 hours in, I'm calling it quits.

This game just makes me sad honestly. It has a really great setup with an interesting premise. The first chapter is interesting and engaging, the world is legitimately beautiful and the map is awesome. The past couple of years all these Ubisoft games have had insanely good maps, I just wish the actual gameplay was better. I want to see a better game on this map.

Ok so, first things first, this isn't even an assassins creed game, idk why they even bother calling it that. This doesn't bother me, as I never really cared about that, my favorite game in the franchise is Black Flag and I just pretended to be a pirate more than an assassin. But not only is it not AC in story, it isn't AC in gameplay. They've given us the ability to crouch which is cool I guess, but every other stealth mechanic is completely half-baked and neutered. They clearly didn't care about stealth when making this game, as you are basically required to engage in open combat 80% of the time. This is due to two things: a lack of stealth mechanics such as blending into the crowd, smoke bombs, etc. And the leveling system. This leveling system makes a lot of enemies impossible to assassinate, only injure, which of course leads to open combat. So uh, yeah, this isn't an Assassins Creed game.

So, you'll be forced into combat the huge majority of the game, how is it? The combat feels weirdly floaty and unsatisfying. Everything feels look and it's difficult to gage distances, both for you trying to hit someone and trying to avoid their attacks. The combat is really easy though, as you can just dodge out of everything, and health yourself whenever you get hit, but if an enemy is too many levels above you, it's basically impossible to kill them as it will take fucking ages. Even enemies your level take forever to kill, and this makes combat feel like a chore. It takes 5 minutes to kill fucking anyone, and the combat is NOT deep enough to sustain this length. It's legitimately boring combat.

Alright, I'll talk about the level system. It kills this entire game. The grind for leveling up is fucking ludicrous. It makes the entire game feel like a grind. In 13 hours of gameplay I've just constantly grinding quests and locations, yet I'm only level 17, the max is 99. The whole world levels up around you, always basically being at your level or above your level, so leveling up isn't even satisfying. In most open world games as you progress you feel stronger and stronger, here I feel exactly as strong as I did at the start of the game, which is quite weak. Honest, if this had the mechanics of Black Flag it would be my favorite game of the series, but this RPG bullshit just pads out the game and makes it an insufferable grind.

This is a beautiful Greek open world game with pretty fun ship combat and mediocre on-foot combat/stealth all locked behind a terrible rpg system designed to waste your time and make you buy time-savers. Really unfortunate, I really wish this game was better, as I'd 100% love it if it weren't for the rpg level system. in a world where I could just throw money at all the time savers this would be a decent game, but that's not this world. Oh and man, I didn't even talk about all the copy-and-paste content, lol.

Idk what play-through this would even be, maybe the fourth?

Game is still a classic, 5/5er. Beat it all in one sitting on a thursday afternoon.

the graphics and aesthetics are timeless and always pleasing on the eyes. The music is an all time great soundtrack, David Wise is a genius.

Platforming feels tight and precise, when you mess up it's your fault. There are some cheap enemy placements that can be trial and error on the second half of the game, but still, it's mostly all skill issues.

Every level feels unique, with many having their own gimmick, levels rarely overstay their welcome, with excellent pacing to never feel like a drag.

Game is just a masterpiece man, play it.

Pretty interesting game, all the combat and aesthetics are great. It's probably a much better game than I'm giving it credit for, but after completing a couple temples I cannot find any way to progress, I've scoured seemingly the entire map, so whatever I missed is probably cryptic as hell, and I'm not gonna waste anymore time here. Games that require a walk-through or guide to beat aren't worth the time.

Really fun time, awesome visuals and sounds, I beat the entire thing with my cousin in a random arcade at a beach. It cost A LOT of quarters.

The main fault of this game is that it is extremely cheap often, there are so many moments that are just straight up bullshit, added just to fuck you over and make you spend more.

Also top tier voice acting. Don't expect to get through this without dying a lot, there will be countless cheap deaths, but despite this, it can be a fun time.

Pretty neat little multiplayer expansion, just feels a little too void and messy, also the grind is too much for my taste. It's OK!

Just more of the base game, it feels like getting another zone. The new little mini-games and interactions are fun, the new armors and other gears you get are pretty cool too. Really like this one, this is a prime example of what an expansion should be. Adding more to the game, while also adding sprinkles of new stuff.

Pretty good little cult game.

So, the game is split into two halves, on one half you're managing ur cult and little village, and the other half you're playing a rogue-lite. Both sides are pretty solid!

Starting off with the cult management, there's a lot you can build and do, but honestly a lot of the stuff is completely useless. I took my sweet sweet time completing this game, played for like 10+ hours, yet I still hadn't unlocked everything, I haven't placed a lot of the stuff down, and I haven't done all the rituals. There's just a lot of stuff that is just not needed in the game, but still, it's nice to make houses, farms, manage your cults hunger and loyalty, etc. It's a pretty addicting loop.

The rogue-lite side is fun. My main complaint is that it is far too easy and forgiving, I only died like 3 times my entire playthrough and that was after making an insane amount of mistakes. The final boss is ESPECIALLY easy, and it makes the whole ending feel very underwhelming. Still, combat feels tight and satisfying enough, and the tarot cards can add a little variety to the runs.

Overall, this is just a very solid game man. There is some filler and time-wasting stuff going on, and the ending is very underwhelming, but the core game play loop is pretty superb. One of the standout titles from 2022.

This game is a co-op masterpiece.

This game is a HUMONGOUS leap in quality from this studios last game, A Way Out. It is literally better in every single aspect. Played this one with GF, and it was great the whole way through.

Every single character has so much more charm and personality than A Way Out, they feel like actual people. I think this may be due to them not being in human form most of the game. In A Way Out, the animations are extremely stiff and awkward looking, whereas here it all looks much more natural and fitting, so that was a great move.

The gameplay is just awesome man. So much variety being thrown at you, and all the different gameplay types are actually fun! Whereas in A Way Out they all felt extremely half-baked, here they feel well thought out and developed. It provides constant entertainment and new things.

The story is pretty simple but nice, it's got a nice message to it and I really liked it, Cody and May are just fun.

one shtick I have is that the game is poorly optimized just as A Way Out was, there's a lot of particles and textures that just seem to be way too much at times, and the frame rate can plummet at times
I can't really recall every 2021 game I played, but I think this would be my 2021 game of the year. Definitely play it.

Was a somewhat interesting game I suppose

Played this with girlfriend.

So, the story is pretty bad honestly. The villain is so boring, the ending is lame, idk, it just feels like I'm watching a really cheap B-Grade action movie.

The game in general feels pretty unpolished, the sound design on this game is pretty bad, it just feels unfinished and weird, animations are really stiff, characters look cardboard a lot, there's little to no atmosphere, the lighting is pretty mediocre, I think this game and It takes two are poorly optimized and require way more power than they should.

This game is entirely saved by the novelty of silly co-op stuff, such as the little mini-games. Both A Way Out and It Takes Two excel at this, but It Takes Two does it far better. Just doing silly things with ur partner and being able to experience a co-op game is nice, they're far too rare now.

The game is also EXTREMELY linear, and your choices have little to no effect on anything. They give you the illusion of player choices matter, when they really don't at all. You're always going through heavily scripted events and heavily scripted experiences. Also, an insane amount of braindead quick-time events, like god damn guys mix it up a little.

This game tries to do a lot and ends up being mediocre or below at all of them. The 3rd person shooting sections are legitimately garbage, the driving feels really bad and has bad physics, but generally you'll just be driving in a straight line so it doesn't matter, and chase scene just involves QTE's and pressing A to vault. The gameplay is really just lackluster a lot, but the puzzles and minigames are quite nice and are really where this game shines.

The ending is also kinda abrupt and lackluster. In both endings, we don't really see the surviving character deal with their emotions towards killing their partner. It all just falls kinda flat and disappointing.

This is still an interesting game experience, but It Takes Two is better in basically every way, so play that instead.

I really don't know what the setting or story of this game is.

I play as some fat dude and I throw balls at random enemies. It's an action platformer similar to Castlevania, and I believe this is an NES port of an arcade game.

Enemy placements are really cheap, projectiles are fast, level design is just kinda random, it's bad! Your main character, who I'm assuming is Karnov, is really slow and is quite a large target, so avoiding things can be a pain. You can only get hit two times before dying, and a lot of things are really cheaply placed to hit and kill you. This all results in really slow and boring cycles of trial and error.

The music is also very generic and bland, as are the graphics. Nothing of note here, the game is cheap, unfair, and worst of all, boring!

Meh, pretty obsolete game, just doesn't bring anything to the table.

In my opinion, any fighting game that only has a d-pad and 2 buttons is doomed to fail unless it's very movement based, and Karate Champ has extremely stiff and slow movement.

It's just a clunky silly little game. The levels are interesting to look at but change literally nothing, there's no music for matches either, which makes the game feel more boring.

Idk, just not much here.