This game was literally a scam.

People unironically think this is better than 2, LMAO.

Still an all time classic though.

Honestly, I have no fucking idea what's going on in this one.

So, The English translation for this title is "King Kong Lives: Megaton Punch of Rage." I have no idea what movie this is connected to or what the story of this game is.

Honestly, the best way I could describe this game is it's like an 8-bit NES version of Ape Out in it's basic gameplay. You can walk around, you can punch or use a found ability, and you can jump. The movement and jumping is pretty solid and fun, and the punching is tight and works, the abilities I got my hands on worked well as well.

The game is pretty damn confusing, I had no idea what my goal was, just wandering around as a big ape and killing green blobs, helicopters, tanks, dragons, just random shit. Eventually, I found a boss fight. I have no idea wtf the boss was meant to be yet I enjoyed it, but anyways upon beating the boss I got a little cut scene where it seemed I was rescuing a female Kong. So I'm assuming the plot is you need to collect keys to eventually unlock and save ur ape wife. Unfortunately after beating this boss I got completely lost and scoured the whole world for progression, yet found nothing. Kinda just stuck in limbo, I called it.

So, in my head-canon, I'll just act like that was the final boss and I saved my ape wife, and the Kongs lived happily ever after.

For what I played, it's pretty awesome, definitely worth some time, and unironically if you like games like Ape Out, give this a look.

I'm using this as a placeholder for Chavez 1, since it isn't on this site. This is a review for the SNES version of Chavez. idk why this isn't on here.

The game is completely in Spanish, but that's not really a big deal as you can understand everything easily if you speak English.

You can choose between a handful of characters, there's a decent range of opponents, in career mode you can exercise inbetween matches and boost stats, it's all there. The actual boxing, the gameplay, is boring as hell.

It's insanely slow, You block automatically with a high guard or a low guard that you switch between, and can do a jab, cross, and two hooks. That's it. There's little to no music, no atmosphere, minimal sounds, the game is just a dud.

There is no reason to play this boxing game over all the other boxing options, this ones obsolete.

Captain Novolin fucking sucks.

The game is funny in concept, but extremely boring in practice. The jumping is really terrible and it feels terrible, hitboxes are wonky, you simply don't have enough time to react to the enemies appearing on screen unless you tip-toe through it or just sprint and never stop, there's a ton of slow down, the game just blows man!

Captain Novolin himself is cool though, seems like a nice guy.

holy 8-bit puzzles

A fairly competent puzzle game for the NES, it works and looks better than a lot of NES games, but that doesn't say much. The music in this game is an extremely short loop so that is really maddening after awhile. Still though, there are some clever puzzles to be found and it's definitely a decent game.

I got pretty bored of it after awhile and some puzzles can get really tedious, the short music loop wasn't helping either, so I called it quits. Still, not the worst game, worth a look I think.

Best racing game I've ever played.

I was originally gonna give this a 4.5, as there are extremely minor flaws, but every game has flaws, and other games I've given 5 stars to have more flaws. So screw it, this is a 5 star racing game.

It saddens me that Mario Kart overtook F-Zero as Nintendos premeire racing game, it makes plenty of sense with Nintendo moving to a more casual gamer market, and Mario Kart simply being easier and more luck based, but F-Zero is just so much fun, and there's so much more skill and strategy involved.

I think I prefer the music of F-Zero and F-Zero X but the music here still bangs extremely. It is one of those games that got caught up in the era during the early 2000s where everything was super future and techy feely if you know what I'm talking about, and the soundtrack heavily emphasizes this.

The gameplay is insanely tight and fast, genuinely so thrilling, truly some balls to the walls racing that gives you a rush you can't get from other racers.

This game is a must play.

This game is really good and all, but it's got some flaws.

So at the time of writing this I've only put in 12 hours and haven't beat the game, I plan on playing it more in the future and beating it, I just don't know when.

So this is a grand RPG, it has hours and hours worth of content with all the lore and classes and shit that you'd want. It's pretty awesome stuff, the world looks awesome, enemies look awesome, combat is fluid and fun, it's all great stuff, but 12 hours in I've lost a lot of my interest and wanting to play, here's why:

Traveling around the map is a really annoying chore. It takes forever to do, the majority of my playtime involves me and my crew walking around. This traveling is greatly extended by fighting enemies such as wolves and bandits FUCKING CONSTANTLY as you walk from place to place. You will encounter enemies at almost every inch of the road, it's ridiculous. The insanely slow traveling is the main killer of this game I think.

Another massive thing I dislike about this game is the companions. I think being able to rent others companions and all that is a great idea and really good stuff, however, I want to be able to make a full party of companions. I'd much rather make three guys that I like than make 1 guy that I like and have to just rent two chumps I don't give a fuck about.

Those are my main two complaints, the rest of the game is good I just have no wanting at all to play the game right now, so I'll get back to it someday. I think this game has been severely overrated.

It is exactly what is promises, and you can't fault it for that. Just wish more effort was put in, but honestly I bought this just for the steam emojis.

Completed on Medium difficulty.

As much as I want to give this game a higher review, I cannot justify giving it any higher than a 2.5 star. This is all due to the level design.

The level design is legitimately some of the most asinine shit I've ever seen in a video game. It is absurdly cryptic and confusing, almost every level is plagued with really unclear puzzles and huge sprawling layouts that are completely unhuman and really make no sense. I mean you go through bases that make legitimately no sense, I don't understand how these stormtroopers even navigate these places. Every level has a massive scope to it, it feels more like a sandbox than a level, everything is just placed at seemingly random, there are countless rooms that serve literally no purpose. It's insane.

It is really unfortunate that the level design is so horrendous, because there's so much good in this game. The movement is awesome, powers? Awesome. Gunplay? Awesome. Cutscenes? Awesome. Story? Awesome. Sounds, aesthetics, etc. There's so much awesome stuff here, but by god the level design just ruins it all.

Also, the lightsaber could be stronger, and the blocking is extremely finicky and inconsistent. You could be staring a man dead into his soul and Kyle Katarn just won't block his strike.

Also, Dash Rendar > Kyle Katarn TBH

It's quite similar to its predecessor in that the abysmal level design ruins everything else, but it's still way more fun and cool than the first, and I actually finished it all the way through so, that says something.

Oh one more thing, this game would be an actual nightmare, a straight up .5 out of 5 if it weren't for the quicksaving feature, so thank goodness for that. Levels can be insanely long.

(See all my Star Wars Rankings and reviews on my profile here, the list is titled "Star Wars Ranked.")

I don't remember much of this game to be completely honest, but I remember it being an extremely boring clash of clans clone type game.

It was just really, really dull and boring. Made to be forgotten! Mobile games generally just suck.

(See all my Star Wars Rankings and reviews on my profile here, the list is titled "Star Wars Ranked.")

Honestly? This is the best Star Wars Mobile game I've played at the time of writing.

It was really fun and engaging as far as mobile games go. Puzzling decision to shut this down.

(See all my Star Wars Rankings and reviews on my profile here, the list is titled "Star Wars Ranked.")

Played on PC, at medium difficulty, capped at 30 FPS

Dude honestly this game is a lot of fun!

So let me start off by saying, this game will probably not be a 4 star for you, it might not even be a 3 star for you, but I just found this game to be a lot of fun and enjoyed it despite all its flaws.

So to start off, the biggest flaw is the controls. It controls like straight up shit, it is some of the most asinine controls I've ever encountered, but you can still kinda get used to them. One thing you can never get used to is the camera though, it's just really fucking bad. Typical early 3D game with horrendous camera.

Next flaw is the enemy placement: it's cheap. Enemies will literally be on every door or corner and they will shoot you the first frame they appear on your screen, hell sometimes they'll just shoot you through the wall.

Some levels can be relentless, there are pretty huge difficulty spikes sometimes and it can be quite painful. There's one level halfway through the game that takes legitimately 30+ minutes to get through, then you must fight Boba Fett, who has two phases. If you run out of the 4 lives you're given, you have to start all the way back. Most other levels aren't that long though so it's not that bad, it's just this level in particular was annoying.

So, if you can look past the control/camera/difficulty flaws, it's a really fun game. In terms of diverse gameplay it's like a prototype for future Sony exclusives if that makes sense. You can be flying and shooting, whilst cabling AT-ATs, then running and gunning, platforming, on a speeder bike, controlling a ship turret, tons of unique boss fights, there's just so much action packed into its 5 hour run time. All the levels are extremely unique and awesome as well.

Continuing on with that, the aesthetics of this game are so awesome, just really charming. This is the peak of gritty Star Wars aesthetics. Combining this with the legendary Star Wars music we all know while adding some new music that also goes hard as fuck, it's a game you can't help but be charmed by.

This game 100% deserves a remake, so far this is the best Star Wars adventure game I've played. I haven't even mentioned the story and characters but they're all awesome as well, and there's even a novel and comic books that tie into the story.

If you can get pasts its glaring flaws, you'll find a really fun Star Wars adventure. I can't imagine how hard this would be on Hard or Jedi difficulties, so if you're anything like me stick to medium.

(See all my Star Wars Rankings and reviews on my profile here, the list is titled "Star Wars Ranked.")

Aged horrendously

So a lot of people say this is a DOOM clone, which it isn't! It's a very unfair thing to call it, that's like calling literally any 3D shooter a call of duty clone. This game is not DOOM. It is objective based, its levels are designed way differently, it has cutscenes, the way you go through levels are completely different. It's just a different game that looks like a non-3d shooter. It's a boomer shooter simply.

The game is just way too confusing at times. There are so many puzzles and questionable level design choices, I have no clue what the developers were thinking. I had to look up where the fuck I was supposed to go after scavenging the level for like an hour 2 times. I dropped this game 3/4ths of the way through, I've seen all I need to see and the game is just a bust.

Looking up and down sucks, it gives a lil motion sickness, and the controls are just weird.

The gunplay is actually fun and fine, but the game is just more of a headache than it is fun. Also the midi music doesn't work in its favor the way it worked for the X-Wing games.

Honestly, I would've played this game all the way through and had given it a higher rating if it wasn't for the god awful level design. Just convoluted labyrinth-like design that plagues a lot of shooters from the mid-90s, this type of design is just a total chore to get through in any game.

(See all my Star Wars Rankings and reviews on my profile here, the list is titled "Star Wars Ranked.")