10 reviews liked by Kamegama

They cooked yall dont see the vision. I dont even mind the controls

They did not cook and I do mind the controls here

gunshot noises

having to play through it at least ten times is awful game design WHY

This game has some interesting ideas, but at only four hours of playtime, it doesn't really have the time to build on them. There's just so little meat on the bones here. And there's so little replay value in this game. Some of the roguelike stuff is interesting, but again, the game is too short for it to be developed.

"I'm not just sure, I'm HIV positive" that 'South Park: Snow Day!' is a bad day.

This game is a tired, lazy, unimaginative, poor attempt at the continuation of the recent South Park games that feature you as the "New Kid" who moved into the neighborhood during The Stick of Truth, which was the first entry into these line of games.

I wanted to give this game the benefit of the doubt upon seeing the initial trailer for the game but Snow Day, which was developed by Question LLC and published by THQ Nordic, decided to rip away the charm and magic from the third installment of the New Kid Trilogy; all of which were reasons why the first two games were so special.

The immersion of being in an extended episode of the South Park animated series is is completely gone, therefore, the dialogue and humor you experienced in the first two games are now watered down and essentially non-existent. The change from 2D to 3D made the environment and all the characters in it appear lifeless (Let's just admit that outside the self-titled South Park game for N64/PS1, South Park 3D games do not work). But the greatest sin of them all was the attempt to change the combat and playstyle of a traditional turn-based RPG into a low effort live service, hack 'n slash, adventure game. The formula for success was right there and they squandered it.

I understand the need to try something different, they even addressed it in the game that "New Kid" has become too OP so they had to change the rules but they swung and missed on all accounts. If they wanted to switch things up, South Park does not lack material to take inspiration from. Although WrestleQuest did it first, a South Park attempt at a wrestling inspired turn-bases RPG would have been tons of fun and they already have an episode from the show to continue the shenanigans from. Or better yet, how about a spin on the game the kids play "Texans vs Mexicans"? An outrageous concept for a game sure but something a South Park game could getaway with and potentially pull off.

For the price of admission of $30, 5-6 hours of gameplay still feels very short, the combat is extremely repetitive, and worst of all, if you die mid level, you have to start the mission over. Maybe that isn't annoying to some but when the game is obnoxiously difficult on medium and hard but too simple on easy difficulty, finding the right balance for you can be a struggle to enjoy when trying to play the game.

I'm sure this game will tickle the fancy of some players and maybe my expectations for Snow Day are skewed coming off the success of two solid, well-made games that I enjoyed very much but this even as a standalone game would not appeal to me. It's a quick cash grab off a popular IP that is wonky and passionless. Not even multiplayer can save this mess of a game since there are so many better options out right now that you could be playing with your friends instead. South Park: Snow Day! is just another thing to blame Canada for.

I will instantly purchase any high quality looking 3D platformer. It's in my blood. I love these kinds of games.

When I started playing Penny's Big Breakaway, I was not immediately impressed. The controls felt a little wacky and Penny herself, when zoomed in during cutscenes, looks like a rejected muppet. Basically, weird vibes.

But the more I played, the better the controls felt and suddenly everything clicked. I started absolutely ZOOMING through levels effortlessly and it felt amazing. The yo-yo abilities really come together to ensure I was able to traverse large areas quickly and in style.

The game feels like it's made for speedrunning since there's a permanent timer at the bottom of the screen. Even the level design goes along with this. There are so many shortcuts and cool ways to navigate the levels. It's rad.

Oh and the soundtrack is a mixed bag, but when it's good, it's REAL GOOD. Got some ps1/dreamcast vibes from a few tracks. The one in the space book levels was especially great.

Penny's Big Breakaway didn't wow me with it's presentation or it's story (although it's simple, clean and colourful graphics grew on me). But that doesn't matter. It's a game that's really fun to play from start to finish. And for that I'm extremely grateful. If you're in the mood for a very mechanical 3D platformer that's clearable in less than 10 hours, you really can't do much better than Penny's Big Breakaway.

I couldnt really get into hollow knight so i thought metroidvanias just werent my thing.
When this remaster came out i thought i would give this genre another chance and man am i glad i did.
The atmospere is just astounding, i have never played a game like this.
While some annoyances hold it back from being a 5/5 its still an all time classic.
I sincerely hope nintendo give 2 and 3 the same treatment!

I slugcatted and then got torn to pieces. Very fun

A well built Metroidvania that will easily take hours of your time, in a good way! I really enjoyed exploring an abandoned planet, finding treasures and fighting off hordes of aliens and robots. I usually don't like to travel back and forth to collect abilities or items to progress the game, but I really didn't notice much of that here. If this ever goes mobile, I would definitely get it.

Check out my entire review here: https://youtu.be/_q_9H4eLbLA