5 reviews liked by Kamil_Reeves

An absolute jank of a game, it still exhibits a charm that is difficult to find in other games, especially in current gaming climate. It does have far too many puzzles that seem as random as the ones in Professor Layton (but much, much more difficult), but the actual detective and adventure parts are great, if sometimes inconsistent in its mechanics. It can be a little too dated in many ways, but it is still barely modern enough to be enjoyed with a bit of patience.

While I'm not too experienced with the famed detective, this is also one of my favourite versions of Sherlock Holmes as well, showing his ruthless side that is supported by the excellent voice acting done by Kerry Shale. Dr. Watson, on the other hand, is almost comically stupid, which balances the much darker rendition of Sherlock in a bizarre way.

Plusy: dobra historia, ładna grafika, świetny voiceacting, przyjemny gameplay
Minusy: koszmarnie dużo loadingów



Not a typical game per se, but rather Dagon was a visual retelling of Lovecraft's classic short story of the same name. There’s no denying that Lovecraft has had a monumental impact on media today—you can find inspiration from his work literally everywhere— so allowing people to experience his stories in different forms is a respectable undertaking.

For a free product this adaptation was excellent, complete with quality voice acting. All that was required was to point and click through the story, so it was low effort while still being entertaining. I was also somewhat educational with facts about the author himself, as well as his other works.

very good rusty lake-y escape game with three stages. puzzles can be difficult, but not a lot of ridiculous stuff. there is not a good hint system, which is too bad!

How people play all three of these games and hate the protagonist is hilarious. He's clearly the main focus of the whole series. The Deponia series is the misadventures of a sociopath kleptomaniac that can't help but fall upwards due to sheer confidence and dumb luck. And that's the beauty of this series.

Blind confidence and egocentrism is funny, because Rufus is very real. You don't have to be a good person to get to Elysium, you just have to want it enough, and screw over everyone at every opportunity.

I come back to Deponia because he's such a fun anti hero. A total dumbass you can't help but cheer on. Goodbye Deponia is really only funny or interesting because of Rufus, and the puzzles totally blow with moon logic up the arse, but just use a guide.

And enjoy the ending we didn't deserve, but we earned. Not going to play Doomsday because I'm happy with how it ends.