7 reviews liked by KamuJomblo

Imagine a game made by someone who got trapped inside Garrys Mod for 20 years with nothing but acid tabs and RC cola as their only sustenance.

The unemployed friend at 2pm on a Tuesday:

It’s just not good. Drifting feels like trash. Races aren’t engaging or competitive. Game looks pretty but feels very cheap. Not fun, I’d avoid.

I don't know if it's the standard for games featuring loot boxes or if I've just been incredibly lucky at avoiding this exact situation, but getting hit with a loot box before even starting the tutorial has to be some kind of record.

Hot Wheels Unleashed is a cool game in-concept, with highly-detailed (not on the Switch lmao) car models accurately reflecting the actual Hot Wheels model cars, furiously racing down a toy track complete with loop-de-loops, boosts, and off-track sections showcasing that the courses take place inside of a home. These are toys, after all.

In practice, I'm honestly too blinded by anger from the immediate loot boxes and all of the cool cars being DLC that I'm just gonna end the review highly discouraging spending money on anything ever. The one-two-punch of seeing the Mystery Machine as a playable car, and then seeing "Paid DLC" next to it isn't one I'm gonna forget.

Thankfully, I am a drunken sailor.

When I saw people compare this to The Room series, I didn't realise that they meant the engine is more or less identical. It even has the eye-glass that lets you see hidden characters painted around the place. As everyone else has said, the game design tilts like slightly toward more confusing moments than ones where everything feels like it's clicking. That's The House of Da Vinci. It's a less version of the second Room game.

The core puzzle loop in Chants of Sennaar is truly fantastic. But man-o-man, is the backtracking and navigation a bummer.