Played like a hour at a friend house, it was just not fun at all and the fatalities are shit compared to previous entry

NEED VALVE TO LEARN HOW TO COUNT TO 3 NOW, NOT JUST FOR HALF LIFE 3 BUT FOR EPISODE 3. Anyway. This episode was great. While it didn't have many new mechanics and idea beyond some new enemies, the encounter design in this expansion felt a bit more open, especially with the final battle. The new enemies were great as well and really added a mix up, those hunters man. The writing was again great, a lot of plot development... which we might never see the end because Valve cannot count to 3. Alyx and Eli were fantastic, so were the vortagon. Gman also continue to be one of the most fascinating and terrifying character in the medium, delivering one of my favorite cutscene in the medium. Man it just feels weird being done with Half Life (until I can get my hand on a VR headset... in a few years hopefully). I can safely say that Half-Life + Portal (since they are in the same universe) is a contender for my favorite video game franchise.

But yeah, Episode 2 was great and man that ending I'll never forgive Valve. 9/10

The writing is fun and the girls are hot

While Portal 1 was basically originally a side dish in The Orange Box and does gets overshadowed by most other games in its universe, I still think it is a really good game and a amazing foundation for something bigger. While the game is really short and simple, it is also extremely innovative and well design, with the portal gun being one of the coolest thing ever. The pacing is extremely solid. Game still looks and sound good, like all the Source game Valve as made are truly timeless. The writing is fun, especially toward the end, even if still pretty simplistic, but the added Rat Man room do help build the world. This game, along side probably Super Mario Bros 1 and Doom (1993), is what I consider the standard on how a good game should be design and a game everyone should play.


Finished replaying Celeste

I was feeling sick today so I decided to play something calm and relaxing that I am used to, so I decided to launch Celeste, start a new files and 100% it, getting all the achievement and all. Kinda crazy that I can now 100% this game in around the same time it took me to beat the base story the first time I played (around 8 hours). This game is still the pinnacle of level design for me in a game, there's a few screen I don't like here and there (a lot of them being in 8B), but most of the screen are design to such a perfection it is insane. Madeline is a contender for the most fun character to play as (tied with Ori in Ori and the Will of the Wisps), the sheer depth in the movement is incredible and extremely satisfying. Art is amazing as well and the OST is a masterpiece in of itself. I just love this game to death... replaying it just ignited my love for it again.

Easy 11/10 for me, tied for my favorite game of all time

One of the few Mainline Mario I had never played before, and I'll be honest... it is probably my least favorite mainline Mario. I think the picking up stuff part is just too slow. The level design... for the most part isn't terrible, but there's a few part I really hated, more than any other mario games. Like 6-2 as to be one of the most boring level I've ever played in a game, other level were just confusing to navigate and other were just paced so slowly. The bosses were fine, I like that they aren't the basic mario bosses but some were kinda annoying to fight or went for way too long. I know this is a reskin of Doki Doki Panic and it is something different... but I can't say I liked it overall.


This feels like Castlevania 1 with worst level design, still a decent game. I swear those STAIRS. The companion system is cool... but the transition takes so long that I barely used it. Final boss was cool. This is just a less consistent Castlevania 1 pretty much.


I'll give it a try the day I can get it working

My opinion on this game pretty much hasn't change since I first played it years ago. I still think this game is the closest to perfection a game as ever gotten and one of the greatest game ever made. Everything about this game is incredible. It is easily the most fun puzzle game I've ever played. The difficulty curve of the puzzle is perfect. The puzzle all feels innovative and unique. The writing in this game is also superb, the dialogue some of the best. Not joking when I say this game is probably the funniest game I've played, and one of the funniest thing I've experience. Yet with the comedy it still has incredibly written character with GLaDOS being my favorite video game character, and every other character being incredible. The world building is also really good. This game is also amazingly paced. This game also visually aged like fine wine, I still think it is one of the most visually impressive game ever made. OST and sound design is also equally amazing. This game is also extremely polish, I never really encountered many bugs worth noting. The Co-Op campaign is also extremely fun, keeping the comedy and having GLaDOS roast you and your friend. The puzzle in Co-Op also get much more complex which is really fun thinking with 2 people. And I mean Co-Op is always fun messing with each other, sometime having GLaDOS mock you for it. The only real minor issue I have with this game is that it has a LOT of loading screen in the single player, but this issue is not really there with the Co-Op campaign. This game for me is just the definition of a masterpiece.

Easy 10/10

Honestly beyond its interesting initial idea (which I've seen done better before), this mod is pretty bad. The main mechanics of having a past self is pretty janky and doesn't work half the time. Some of the mechanics in the puzzle are badly introduce as well. And the worst part is... for a puzzle game... the puzzle are pretty bad. All the solution were pretty easy (beyond badly introduced mechanics), but some of the execution were so boring, tedious, annoying and dragged out (and the main mechanics not working half the time doesn't help), that I straight up used no clip to skip like 3 puzzle. Now I honestly just want to replay Braid... a game with good time travel mechanics and puzzle.


Finished replaying Super Mario Bros 3 after many years of last having played it.

This game is pretty much has good as I remember as a kid. The control feels super smooth and the level design is fun for the most part. There's a few bad level here and there, and the water physic aren't that good without the frog suit... and there's a few too many autoscroller. But overall the level design is still really fun. Game is super charming visually, one of if not the best looking NES games, game aged like fine wine. OST is also pretty good.

I do have some nostalgia but this game is still a 9.5/10 for me

I just "Finished" Half-Line Miami

This game had potential but sadly for the most part doesn't live up to it. This is basically a fan game of Half Life 2 in a Hotline Miami style. The problem is that the only way to attack is the gravity gun, so any enemy with guns will be hard to tackle. The physics of the item often will not work like you want to, or work against you which is really annoying. The difficulty in general is all over the place, this game feels too hard in some place in more of a frustrating way. The best level was Ravenholm, because that level fits perfect for the style this game is going for. That level was a ton of fun. But the biggest problem with this game and also the reason I said "finish" in quotation mark are the technical issue. There's a few level, mainly Nova Prospect, which I couldn't finish due to constant crashes. And that level being super hard doesn't help. So I literally had to delete some level files so I could access later level...

But overall, I like the idea, but the execution for it (except Ravenholm) leave to be desired.

Genuinely blown away by this mod. This mod is one of the most brilliantly design puzzle game I've ever played. The new mechanics of having a third portal that travels through time itself combine with the core portal gameplay allow for so many brilliant option for puzzle, especially since the time travel mechanics are pretty well define. Also this game is much harder than anything in Portal 1 or 2. They know you've played those so the puzzle themselves are much more complex. A lot of them had my brain melting over them. The story telling is kept to a pretty minimal, a bit in the style of Portal 1. It is mainly testing with a AI commenting. The dialogue itself feels very portal like, it totally fits in the world of portal, same style of comedy. Visually the mod is also a bit of a upgrade, especially the portal who look a bit better without ruining the art direction (looking at you Portal RTX). Must play for any Portal Fan.


Nice simple game. While obviously most of its idea are expanded and done better in Portal 2, it is nice to see where some of the inspiration came from and how the idea evolved. Only real annoying thing was that the camera felt so zoom in. But yeah its a nice concept.


It isn't terrible but the main gimmick of energy puzzle got extremely boring and repetitive real quicker... most of these puzzle were just mediocre. Also I know this was made in 2014 but god the glados voice actor... the dialogue in general was kinda just eeeh. This was just mid.
