Pretty good mod. I think this mod main appeal for me was the way it tackles world building, honestly reminding me about Half Life (they weren't trying to hide it with the opening scene). The world building is simply amazing to look at, the writing in general is pretty good and engaging. The puzzle (in standard mode) were good, but not quite on the level of Portal 1 and 2, or Reloaded. Music was quite good as well, it is definitively a worth will experience for Portal fans. Might replay it in Advance one day.


Honestly while this game aged quite a lot I still had a good time. I really like the atmosphere and the level design of the map in general. I also loved the fixed camera (for the most part) and the limited material (including saves), which did help for the tension. Now the gunplay not good but it doesn't matter much, it only annoyed me during one of the boss and with 1 enemy type... that is found at like 2 of the last room in the game. The story is alright I guess, but oh my god this game probably has the worst voice acting and dialogue I've ever heard and I love it, it is so bad it is good, it is literal comedy gold. Graphically is also has aged quite a bit but honestly I think the PS1 graphics still has its charm and it still is able to keep the atmosphere so I am fine with it. Overall fun game.


Honestly, I don't even know how to write a review for this game, it is quite a unique experience that can't quite be put into words. It is a magical experience that everyone should experience themselves. I won't go too far into the experience but I will say the gameplay, even for a walking simulator, it has a lot of good ideas. It is visually one of the most beautiful game I've ever played and it also has one of the best soundtrack I've ever heard so in that sense it is also magical. I know this is barely a review but this is one I don't really wanna spoil people on, just play it.


Honestly really fun and original platformer, I like all the platforming gimmick for the exception of the dude following you. I think the way the world is layed out is extremely interesting as well, with it looping and all, it made really fun to explore and found my way to good. The OST is quite a banger as well. Honestly good game overall... but you can be sure I ain't going for the Deathless Achievement :)


I think this is a interesting concept as a fan game which would be cool to see expanded upon. Now having Superhot Mechanics into a Hotline Miami setting does make the game extremely easy, and some level do drag but for what it was it was interesting. Hoping Shootout Inc evolve the formula, but I don't know when I'll play that. But yeah cool little fan game.


Another Rockstar games done. My opinion on Rockstar's game is usually very similar. They usually have great world, really good story, good mechanics (except shooting which is always mediocre), extremely bad mission design and pacing issues. This game is no exception, for the most part. I think the game still has extremely bad mission design, mission design which is straight up not fun to play through for me, that constant through the entire game. But for the rest I enjoyed it for most of the game except chapter 2. Chapter 2 of this game is what really bring the game down for me. The pacing just dragged, the story and character during isn't interesting at all for the most part, that part of the open world is not very interesting. The rest of the game is really good, with interesting character, I love John a lot. The rest of the world is cool, there's a lot of cool stuff to do.

But yeah chapter 2 bring what would be a 8/10 like most other Rockstar's game to a 7.5/10 for me


I can say Abzu is a relaxing experience but sadly I cannot say much more to it. The visuals and music are beautiful, obviously, but unlike a game like Journey I think a lot of the section of this game fail to leave much of a mark, a lot of the area feels pretty repetitive, with similar puzzle and look. I also think, unlike journey, that the story telling, while not bad, lacks a emotional connection beyond being a relaxing experience. Like I don't regret going through this like 2 hours long relaxation but it won't stick with me much personally.


I am... honestly super disappointed by this DLC... yeah I had fun because base game GTA 4 is fun... but this DLC... didn't add much interesting for me. I was not invested into the story or character at all, Johnny probably being the worst Rockstar protagonist I've played has. While the mission design receive some slight improvement from the base game... it is still really bad in my opinion... being pretty boring, annoying or tedious... just not fun... it had like 1 fun mission out of 22. The side stuff new side stuff was kinda mediocre. Like this DLC isn't bad but I expected more then mediocrity...


Even if I much prefer the sequel this game is still fantastic, honestly even had more fun on replay. The movement is great and making your way through stuff still feels fantastic. The combat... even if it is the weak point of the game, I've come to appreciate it more. While the main flame attack (and charge flame) feels mediocre to use, the ground pound and bash really had some fun variety to the combat, sometime using the environment or enemy for combat. The game is still visually beautiful even if it didn't have the budget and team of the sequel. OST is great. Another thing is that I played the original version, not the definitive, and it honestly made me appreciate even more the way the world is constructed due to the original not having fast travel, backtracking with new ability feels amazing. Story, while I didn't pay as much attention on replay (since I remember it) is still very a very touching even if simple story. Anyway this game still slaps.


This game as its flaws in the second half but I can't keep pushing the 10/10 any further... I love this game

Probably my favorite level in any game ever

It should be illegal for any demo to be this good... like if you gave me this and I didn't know Half Life I'd be like WTF WHERE CAN I BUY THE FULL GAME

The fact that this is a 2.8 on this site is a crime

I had to skip a few little segment because of how buggy they were