This game has to be one of the games that exist

Actually, this game is great

Lol, i killed someone who had a vader lightsaber, while using a common shotgun, what a noob

This game is very trash, i prefer like, playing danganronpa. I don’t know

I’m just expressing how much boring this game is, i’m not a noob, even bc last season i got like, 10 wins? Yeah, this game sucks and i wouldn’t reccomend it to anyone, it is a solid 1/10.

The only reason it is just not 0/10 is that there’s no way to give a game 0/10 on backlogg, and also bc they release crossover skins, wich is sick

Battle royale games are usually boring, fortnite for example, has 99 players inside one island, and seriously, what are the chances of you winning this time?

You guys must be like “oh, so you play fortnite, you even won 10 times, that means you actually like this game and it’s just pretending”. My brother in christ, i played the game so much that now i have better embasement

You know, evie is beautiful, but i won’t play fortnite just bc of one character.

Esse jogo é um remake de outro chamado doki doki panic, que não tinha vidas extras, então eles resolveram por vidas extras nesse, o que estragou o jogo, afinal ninguém gosta de re-jogar tudo de novo

- Fases quase todas iguais
- Mesmos chefões em todos os mundos
- Poucos power ups
- Pouca variedade no geral

Excelente de um jogador. Memorável de dois jogadores


Esse jogo pode ter uma atmosfera pior que o remake do primeiro, mas é superior de maneira estupenda em literalmente todos os outros aspectos

Esse jogo é tão merda que eu sou o único ser vivo presente aqui. A quantidade de bugs nesse jogo é tão absurda que deixam ele “injogável”