Rideable Axolotl truly made this goty

I think I got most of my enjoyment out of this one in the same way I got a lot of my enjoyment out of the base game. I just had fun exploring and capturing Pokemon.

Sadly there was no real improvements to the specs or graphics arguably worse than the base game with the concept being pretty short lived and bland.

The new Pokemon are interesting in an homage to the Japanese folk tale Momotaro but the storyline just doesn't go anywhere to justify it in my opinion. I've had my fun with Scarlet/Violet but maybe the honeymoon period is over and I can start to see all the flaws it truly has.

Honestly Monster's Inc. for GBA is kinda of two sided example of what I hate and love about licensed games. On one side, the graphics can be very good when the publishers and copyright owners shell out the money, and Monster's Inc. GBA looks very good especially for a 2001 GBA game.

And on top of that, when the developers just go wherever they want with the game not playing completely to the universe's lore. The idea that Boo's door gets destroyed and you have to go find the pieces is an interesting one, and things like Randal having ice powers for no reason is as well. Plus moments like the stuffed animal Mike had in the movie being the item you collect for bonus items is a very nice touch.

On the other hand is the gameplay itself, which just plainly sucks. A boring scavenger hunt where you play as the big lumbering Sculley trying to avoid those decontamination officers with his only attack being a yell attack that's hard to line up to hit them, on top of all the dead ends you run into.

Ultimately making a a dull experience that just so happens to have a lot of charm. Ultimately a meh game.

Okay we got a pretty solid birds eye view racing game, so why don't we make you explode constantly almost making it completely terrible?

Honestly if any game deserved a sequel to fix up the problems from the first game it was this one.

Definitely a first year GBA game for a concept that was probably best suited for 2003 or 2002 at the least.

It's wild how after so many Yu-Gi-Oh! games that Nintendo, or Game Freak or whoever didn't decide to go forward with more Pokemon TCG games because this one game, on the Game Boy Color mind you, clears nearly every Yu-Gi-Oh! game.

Two whole games and the west would only get one.

But Susan, I have Klonoa.

Hey Babe, I WANT Klonoa

Colorful, good atmosphere and the fun to be had upgrading your car can't hide the fact this game is rather sloppily programmed

Who decided the game should be controlled like this? I just want to talk to them.

If I ever replay this one I'm gonna probably be playing it all day

I like how you can duel a dog and they have a dog themed deck