This game had no audio when I played so my shuffled spotify library had to carry my imagination and will throughout it all

Needs some more polish in platforming and pretty buggy at times but it's a great game aesthetically. I was fighting the platforming more than any of the enemies or boss fights, which were shortly frustrating initially but basic patterns to absorb quickly.

The story leaves a lot to be desired since not many interesting events happen until the very end, but the combat is the most fun I've had in a megaten game.

A short, but sweet innovative puzzle game that tells a story that encompasses one person's lifetime, mostly living through tumultuous times. The story's expressed through charming art, rife with religious symbolism that potentially gives the game good replay value since you'll probably spend most of your brain processing power solving the puzzles. Some puzzles can be quite challenging, but I have to commend the puzzle design and mechanics since it left me impressed throughout. Overall, an unforgettable experience in my succulent playthrough.

Short, cute, comfy, sweet, and most importantly, fun.

I needed this after finishing a certain game