This game perfectly encapsulates the every day life of an average female internet personality and it is terrifying


Very charming game with tons of heart but is sadly lacking in actual gameplay. The world is very flat and all missions/activities basically boil down to going somewhere, picking something up and then going back.

I liked the game at first but the recycled content and constantly retelling the same plot points got old fast. The game is just too long to support what's there and should've been cut way shorter. Not a bad game, perse, but a disappointing one.

I can get used to the unforgiving survival aspects and slow pace, what I can't get used to is the fucking leopard that always spawns and kills me because I cannot run and I cannot fight. If I do somehow manage to scare it off with a few good whacks it won't matter because I'll bleed to death before I get the chance to dress my wounds. I can't even cheese it by standing on a rock because the fucking thing has telekinesis or something and hits me without touching me. There's a huge difference between unforgiving and unfair, this is the latter.

Rune Factory but worse and 10000x more popular.

There's a good game in here somewhere but sadly it's held back by unfair mechanics and no proper checkpoint/save system. If you lose, that's it. Game over, start again. This is incredibly frustrating when just learning the games basics can take hours and when you finally get off the ground it's a slow grind and getting randomly instakilled and forced to start over really hampers the experience. I get what it's going for but it just doesn't succeed at it.