6 reviews liked by Kiddarus

It took a while to properly get into this one but man, Dark Souls really is something else.

Really hard to say anything original when talking about this game since everyone seems to have said it all already but I’ll just say this:

It’s an amazing ARPG that commits to some absolutely crazy ideas that make sense once you get into it. So many elements from story to mechanics seem to have been tailor made to create this soul crushing atmosphere which allowed me to truly immerse myself into the “dark” themes of the game.

An impressive blend of narrative and gameplay that few games have achieved, Dark Souls is a one-of-a-kind experience that has earned its position as one of the greatest games of all time.

It’s certainly up there for me.

A good game with incredible atmosphere, cool character designs, great concept, and a story that's about as good as you'd expect.
The only aspect holding the game back from a higher score is the gameplay itself. It has potential, but there are too many factors that can make it a frustrating experience, espeicially when the difficulty spikes at the end of night 2 / beginning of night 3. It's easy to get stuck on the collision of the environment, the camera control in first person is clunky especially since the movement and camera sticks are flipped compared to standard fps rules, some ghosts feel impossible to deal with, and the issue that i and other run into the hardest, is the sudden lack of healing items after night 1. It's a shame some of these aspects can take you out of the atmosphere and leave you feeling frustrated instead of scared and really hindered my enjoyment of the game.
There are some mechanics i didn't realise were there until halfway into the game and after finishing it (such as the sprint button and being able to move in fps mode lol), so i realise a lot of the trouble i had with the game may not apply to everyone.
That being said i still really enjoyed the game overall, and is the first survival horror game i played.
If you're going to play this game on PCSX2 like i did, download the undub patch to and update the emulator to its latest version.

Genuinely one of the most boring games I've ever played. The characters are flat, the protagonists might as well be silent for how utterly boring they are. I can't tell you a single thing about them. Perhaps it gets better, and hey, judging by all the reviews, I'm sure it does, but everything about this game is genuinely just boring to me. The combat doesn't have much depth - definitely not nearly as exciting as the games that inspired it, at least.
It's pretty, but that's about all it has going for it.

A very charming, if janky, bite-sized indie game that I believe works better as a puzzle game rather than a horror game; the reason being that the later levels focus more on open areas that require you to use all the mechanics learned up until that point to progress (including the monster of the level) which severely detracts from the general atmosphere and makes it feel like an escape room with strange rules and a sense of humor.

I also believe the story takes a significant nose-dive about halfway through the game, given the theme being a more extreme personification of the mental troubles of this therapist's patients to a government conspiracy and focusing on the therapist himself, despite the lack of characterization for him to make the final parts of the game as climactic as it wants you to believe.