3 endings in and I can comfortably say this game is in my top 2 all time - may hit 1 when I get around to finishing it.

Fell into the RNG completionist trap on this one and got severely burnt out grinding all those materials, I shall be back to finish

There's a million reasons to hate activision, but gutting the team that made this so we never get a sequel is number 1 for me

Game has some annoying mechanics and is somewhat tedious in certain areas, some bosses seemingly give you next to no hints on what to do next. Nonetheless I was more than willing to chalk that up to the game being designed 19 years ago now.

The art direction and visuals are just top tier, along with phenomenal boss fights that keep 1 upping themselves in terms of scale.

The story while a bit confusing is generally intriguing, invoking a good amount of emotional moments despite not providing too much dialogue throughout.

Overall really enjoyed this one despite a few small annoyances. I'd say it's worth a playthrough and the remade visuals only help recommend to people who have trouble playing through older titles

In short this game was amazing. I didn't fall in love with the first game my first playthrough but getting through this one really made me reconsider and think maybe I just got that one wrong. I'll do another playthrough of 2018 soon enough so I can delve more in to whats really intriguing abt this reboot for me

Weaker than both it's predecessor's, but still an overall enjoyable experience. The venom level was cool of course, kraven was an enjoyable villain imo. The story was predictable but that didn't really bother me from a spiderman story.

This game overall just suffers from rushed plot points and a lack of time for the main story to cook. Also the open world elements are just a complete step back from the first game and Morales, there's no world where collecting little spiderbots is remotely as interesting as the backpacks which all provide a tiny backstory behind them, the crimes are all the same with the tiniest of improvements and step backs in some regards. The car chases were a low point of the first game - yes, but they someone managed to make them even less interesting this time around

I could write all day about tiny little things like this but whats the point, this game had all the hype in the world and simply didn't match it imo. The biggest improvements came with the traversal with the addition of the spider-wings and abilities like the loop-de-loop, but really how can I give them much for that when you have no reason to even explore unless you're a completionist

An absolute slog I didn't wanna spend more than an hour at a time with

My first souls game finished to completion, and not a second felt wasted. This game brought back the feeling of total immersion that games can rarely bring me to these days. Masterpiece

An amazing game I just cant bring myself to go back to. Some games are better to just leave in the past with the memories they've created

Was it a mistake to play this on the ps4 version at release? probably. Was it still an overall great experience? absolutely

Fun combat. Transformers, what more do you want?

Shame we never got a sequel

Is it a great game? No. Did I have a ton of fun running co-op on this michael bay esque ps3 game? Yes.

The second half of this game made me question my life about several hundred times, on normal difficulty

What. A. Game, the story on this was just incredible - following Jason's slow descent into madness as he gets gripped by the comings of the island. I can say the gameplay and check boxy open world feels a bit monotonous going back, but a lot of that falls on Ubisoft opting to use this formula for just abt every open world they've created for the past decade

This was truly a masterpiece of it's time

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Unfortunately this one fell a tiny bit off the mark for me when I take off the nostalgia goggles. The whole concept of getting a heist team together is pretty satisfying and the fact all the people you recruit are playable is a very good touch, but overall it just falls short of the mark for me for a couple reasons.

The mechanics on the characters outside of the 3 feel super underbaked, and on top of that - they're used pretty sporadically. I'd be a bit more enthused if I could just go around mind controlling the guru in the hub areas, or shoot shit up with the panda king anytime at pleasure, but you can't. theyre capped to certain missions and those in turn just end up being super tedious, as you'll go hours without using a character and than be thrusted in to a mission with them - which again, works well with the story but gameplay wise falls short.

The pluses of this game compared to its predecessors for me are definitely the new mechanics used per level with sly, like the dogfighting, treasure hunting, boat fights. While some of that was tedious, it was not nearly as bad as something like flying Penelope's helicopter

While I didn't despise my time with this game, and overall did enjoy where they took the story and characters - this one really just fell short for me when comparing it to the 2nd game (tbc ill add more one day just cant be bothered rn)