26 reviews liked by KingOfMadOxen

The best Bethesda game and its not even a Bethesda game. Huge achievement for the turn around time they had, but some classic issues with the engine are just as present as any other Fallout title.

It's the best Mass Effect game. Points off for frequently repetitive combat, although satisfying and with just enough depth. Writing here is the best in the series.

OH BOY this was not as good as I remember. Still an enjoyable "cinematic" adventure story, if you're into that type of thing.
The concept of a shooter/platformer/puzzle game is novel but the sum leaves a lot to be desired in all areas.
I feel like the multiplayer is very overlooked, pretty tactical and satisfying for the time. The multiplayer maps integrated the platforming and shooter mechanics better than the main game.
Probably giving half a star more to nostalgia and the impact of the plot on my 13 year old brain (very epic, best game I'd ever played).

The OG remains one of the best in the series. The fresh coat of paint powers it up to contend with the modern games.
Good mix of combat/puzzles/backtracking. This is the premiere fixed camera style Resident Evil game.

The best 3rd person Resident Evil game. What it lacks in co-op it makes up for in DMC-inspired style. The atmosphere and setting are genre defining. Points off for unnecessary length and a repetitive second act.

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Played surprisingly well for the first co-op Resident Evil game. Controls are just as satisfying as RE4, but lacking some of the enemy variety.
Co-op ads so much to a game. The inventory integration was handled well and still feels RE-y.
The general tone is not nearly as strong as RE4, as seen in more bombastic action scenes, a first act entirely during the day, and turning Chris even more boring, somehow. A far cry from Leon Kennedy.
I personally love Wesker in this game. The story doesn't provide a ton of substance for his motivation, but revelations about his past are interesting if you enjoy the greater Resident Evil narrative.
Solid overall package. If nothing was a step down from RE4 this would be one of the best Resident Evil games.

Just a good old fashioned co-op zombie-killing time. The classes have good variety, but some roles are much more important than others, such as medic and support being must picks for higher difficulty games. Most of the default maps are good, but part of my love for this game is the wealth of community content, especially the maps. Who could forget kf_420ganjafarm??

Other than dated AI, this may be the best Star Wars game ever made. Great for pubs or the campaign. Galactic conquest is also great for an extended couch session. Unfortunately some of the factions seem quite a bit worse than others, though they are mostly the same.