Solid first entry in the series but unfortunately does not hold up to time due to it's countless issues with difficulty and pacing.

I can't imagine this game would be any fun solo, but as a Co-Op experience it's fresh and unforgettable.

Hands down the best Horror RPG ever made and one of the best stories to come out of the japanese horror genre.

An amazing story with some of the best visuals ever put to screen in a triple-a gaming experience. The combat feels great and is fun, but the game falls short in comparison to previous entries in the franchise due to its lack of party system and incredibly lackluster RPG elements. Overall a great stepping stone towards the next game, and a much needed breath of fresh air following the unfinished and unsatisfying XV.

Fun adventure that still holds up surprisingly well to play today. The story is nothing to care about, though. Incredibly derivative fantasy tropes are fun, but get old after enough hours of "Oh I wonder what I'll find in this mountain! Dwarves? Who could have guessed!"

Very fun game, but starts to show cracks when held up to it's predecessor

I didn't think games could affect me like this. What a beautiful story.

Banger soundtrack and amazing art direction but couldn't hold my attention long enough to warrant playing any more. Fun game, though.

Played about two hours of it and uninstalled. I get what they were trying to do, with a weird combination of half life and halo / resident evil? It doesn't really work and it's just not what I'd want from a doom game.
The best part about this game is how often they try to scare you, to the point where it's funny. You can't walk 3 feet in this game without something trying to kill you.
If doom 2016 is "the monsters are trapped in hell with you" this is "the monsters will rip you in half and you're a bitch"

An amazing justice league story only made better by the prequel comics. It's quick enough to run through in one sitting, so definitely give it a play.

I loved the gameplay loop and grind in this one. The story is nothing special this time around, but you can never really go wrong with Batman Vs Superman (or can you?)